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 Reminiscent of Youth

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Join date : 2010-05-24
Location : Ayr town

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PostSubject: Reminiscent of Youth   Reminiscent of Youth Icon_minitimeWed Nov 17, 2010 8:52 pm

Joseph wrote:
With the rain pouring down outside, and the occasional lightning flash lighting up the night sky, a traveler makes his way hurriedly towards an invitingly lit inn. He pushes open the door and rushes inside. His cloak drips large puddles across the vestibule. Hanging his cloak upon the racks provided, he makes his way towards the bar. He passes a young couple sharing a drink in the warmth of the tavern, likely sheltering from the weather outside. Purchasing a ale from the bartender he examines the bartender's features - as he does to everyone. The bartender is a young lady of moderate height, with a well toned appearance - slim and yet strong. She has auburn hair and dark eyes. Despite the feminine and friendly appearance she still looks capable of defending herself. Joseph nods in satisfaction. All the right qualities of a bartender - strong and yet beautiful. As he pays her for the drink he walks past the young couple again, also giving them a studying glance - his reasons for memorizing faces are many - a habit that has held him in good stead over the years.

The young gentleman is perhaps 26-27, and the woman likely of the same age. The gentleman is rugged but well dressed, a weeks worth of stubble upon his face, his hair of moderate length - common for a young lord or rich merchant. His shoulders are wide and his arms muscled, and a sword hangs at his belt. Perhaps a soldier then? His eyes travel on to the young woman, another beautiful one, long hair, blue eyes ... Jospeh suddenly pauses in his observation and turns back to the young man. There is something familiar about him, it reminds him of the boy ... "Laddie, is that you?"

Last edited by Ominus on Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:35 am; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 49
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PostSubject: Re: Reminiscent of Youth   Reminiscent of Youth Icon_minitimeWed Nov 17, 2010 9:41 pm

Seri pulls the hair out of Julius' face as she listens to a story about what had happened in his office today. She giggles as he stops talking and looks at her quizzically, "I'm sorry. Do go on, Love."

She smiles at him adoringly but is suddenly jolted by a deep voice "Laddie, is that you?" She looks over at the older gentleman that she had barely noticed before. He does seem to be talking to Julius.
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Location : Ayr town

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PostSubject: Re: Reminiscent of Youth   Reminiscent of Youth Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 12:51 am

Ominus is sitting inside the warm tavern with Seri, seated at a table close to the roaring fire as they share a drink, discussing the matters of the day "Aye, so I had this message delivered in and it turns out.." Ominus pauses in surprise as Seri reaches up, her fingertips brushing against his face. "I'm sorry. Do go on, Love." Ominus chuckles, he's not sorry for her touch, it's always a nice feel, even if the suddenness surprised him a little. Chuckling he continues with the story"Haha, I love you, Gorgeous.. anyway, this letter was from.." Once again he's interrupted by a deeper voice coming from behind him; "Laddie, is that you?"

Ominus notices Seri's eyes have risen to look at the unseen person, so he turns in his seat and looks up. He sees the face and blinks, trying to comprehend as he does a double-take. "Joseph? .... Joe? Joe, you're alive?" He smiles as the man begins to embrace him.

He can hardly believe it. The last he remembers of this man, his old trainer, was in the flickering firelight of the battle. Both of them were engaged in a fight for their lives while their home burned down around them. His beloved home - torched by The Order. Julius had lost sight of Joseph as the battle had worn on. Overwhelming numbers of enemy troops forced them apart.
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PostSubject: Re: Reminiscent of Youth   Reminiscent of Youth Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2014 6:16 am

I miss your awesomeness. <3
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Location : Ayr town

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PostSubject: Re: Reminiscent of Youth   Reminiscent of Youth Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2014 1:36 pm

It died a long time ago  Razz 
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PostSubject: Re: Reminiscent of Youth   Reminiscent of Youth Icon_minitime

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