[rp]Greetings people of Ayrshire and people of Scotland. I come to you today to make several declaratory statements regarding Ayr County. Each of these is in response to a concern of mine. All were approved by my council members.
Declaration 1: Port construction on the port of Girvan will commence soon. We will be taking it to a level 2 and then hopefully a level 3 port. I hope we will complete it in my term. Currently it is being filled with supplies. However I do not want labor being done yet. Why? See the next item.
Declaration 2: Beginning October 31st we will raise the wages in our stone mine to 16.95 pounds daily. (This mine is accessible from Largs)
We will also raise the wages in our iron mine to 16.75 pounds daily. (This mine is accessible from Ayr and Muirkirk)
Mining bonus: Every person that can present proof of mine work for 7 days will receive a free piece of bread from the county for each 7 day stint they can prove (by screenshot).
Citizens and foreign traders and workers from all over are encouraged to come visit us, occupy Ayr, Largs and Muirkirk to mine in these mines. Mayors in these towns are highly encouraged to buy all visitors beer when they see them!
These wages will continue for one month. At which time I'll do another assessment with the mine super and the TM.
Declaration 3: Effective immediately I am calling for a policy of no tolerance on market abuse cases. We will not stand for any speculation or market abuse in Ayr. Our Judge recently sentenced two people for violating our market laws. Both were citizens of our county and Serendipity was merciful. I will ask her to withhold mercy with future defendants, especially those with possible malicious intentions.
While I am not asking for trading passes, I am very serious about this. Everyone is responsible for knowing the laws of each town before they participate in trading. We will not be a dumping ground. We have stable markets and happy people. I don't want to see that disrupted.
Declaration 4: At some point during my term I will create a county army. It has been many months since we've done so and I think it's overdue. I'm not in a hurry to do this as we can't afford to buy out and run our gold mine full time yet. We will get there though. We will need an army eventually for that purpose.
We are in no way aligned with any armies now in Glasgow.
Remmi Sharpe
Duke of Ayr