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 County Donations

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Posts : 178
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 49
Location : California

County Donations Empty
PostSubject: County Donations   County Donations Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 8:14 am

The county will be holding a feast soon, during which time we are asking for donations of goods from citizens to assist us in the task of raising our prestige. Donations of any size and amount are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading this, I've tried to keep it short so as not too waste too much of your valuable time, but if you would like more information or would like to make a donation to the county then please contact Ominus.

The town of Ayr thanks you. Taxes will be 6 pounds and start this week.

Serendipity Sharpe Ominus
Mayor of Ayr
* Sent by Messenger

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