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 Motion to Transfer

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Motion to Transfer Empty
PostSubject: Motion to Transfer   Motion to Transfer Icon_minitimeSat Sep 18, 2010 6:57 am

Case No.: 09-20-1458-01
Date Filed: 09-20-1458

Ayr County vs. James5
The town of Largs requests a venue transfer in the case of Ayr County vs. James5 a/k/a Keith333

Defendant is charged with:
Treason and/or Abuse of Power

Public Prosecutor Request for Transfer of Venue:
Sadly, my knowledge of this case comes through screenshots from a third party who asked me to look at it. My statement at that time was that given my lack of knowledge of events that transpired in Largs regarding mayoral management or Haapalund's legal revolt and the disarray of screenshot evidence, I could not proceed without further information. I left the case open and asked that all parties work to figure it out in a manner that helps us all to put down our differences and work together as Scots.

Now that the evidence has been gathered it is my hope that another county will try the case in their jurisdiction.

Ayrish Indictment:
On this 20th of September, 1458, James5, former mayor of Largs, is hereby charged by the People of Ayr County, Scotland with fraud and treason.

During his reign in Largs, James5 sold large quantities of meat belonging to town hall to himself for the nice price of 7 pounds a piece.

On the day of Haapalund's revolt in Largs, there is proof that shows James5 selling 30 pieces of meat to himself from TH for 7 pounds a piece. Nowhere is there to be found a transfer of similar value from the accused to TH. Later, that same meat is purchased at prices over 18 pounds, with no money being returned to the town coffers.

In a second money-making scheme, James5 clearly used the bug that prevents TH from denying sales of wool to TH. This bug was used several times lately, the last time occurring on the same day that James5 left town without notice. These sales have been documented, as well as the list of sheep farmers in town the same day. James5 is the only sheep farmer who could have deliberately broken the autosale law, since the only other sheep farmers in Largs are Zukkie, a valued member of the town council, and Sav2869, who was in prison serving a sentence for not paying taxes, at the time of the last autosale.


Both instances prove that James5 used his high office to undermine the financial viability of the town of Largs. He made it known to his subjects that he wished Ayr County to be absorbed into Galloway and/or Glasgow, and he used his high office to expedite the county's demise and line his own pockets with the towns money. Upon accusation of such actions, he then began the process of fleeing the county, attempting to outrun the law and steal away with his ill-gotten gains.

His actions constitute an effort to defraud the good people of Largs and Ayr County and in the aggregate, constitute traitorousness against his people and their government.

In further of evidence I offer the following witness statements:

You Honour, on the night in question I did sell some wool to James which I sold to him on market. I put some up for him at 10.20p as he said he was getting wool together to make sails. He told me he was going to sell them in England at a very healthy profit! He told me this in TH tavern, i also bought from him some flour as i'm a baker and i never knew at the time the flour i had bought was from James until i seen it show in "My events". Next day i was in TH tavern when our Mayor Haapalund came in, he told me that James had left town and there were discrepencies in TH. I took a "Photo Shot! of where i had sold the wool to James. If its needed for evidence i'll gladly hand it over. I also must say that when i was talking to James in Tavern, he was telling me that he ran the market and fixed prices on many items there.


As mayor of Largs I hereby accuse the former mayor James5 of treason to the town of Largs on two accounts.

I've screenshot evidence that James5, during his reign in Largs sold large quantities of meat belonging to town hall to himself for the nice price of 7 pounds a piece.

He taxed the people 20 pounds per field and workshop, and I see this as proof that he used that money to boost his own already large chest of gold. As many know he's a very wealthy man. This evidence have been presented to the PP and also to members of the CC.

On the second account I accuse James5 of using the bug that prevent TH from denying sales of wool to TH. Someone have been using this bug several times lately, the last time the same day as James5 left town without notice.

These sales have been documented, as well as the list of sheep farmers in town the same day. James5 is to my eyes a strong suspect for this fraud, since thew only other sheep farmers in Largs are Zukkie, a valued member of the town council and Sav2869 who was in prison serving a sentence for not paying taxes, at the time of the last autosale.

I've stated offically that this kind of autosell is strictly prohibited.

I propose that James5 is handed a hard punishment, that he'll be held responsible to pay a large fine to the town of Largs. And also that he's stripped of his grant because it can be used to perform further frauds in the future.

Since James5 already have left town I hope that you'll deal with this swiftly. I deem that there's a large risk of him leaving the county.


I've taken screenshots on the day of the revolt in Largs. They show with no doubt James5 selling 30 pieces of meat to himself from TH for 7 pounds a piece. Nowhere is there to be found a transfer of similar value from the accused to TH.

I also point to the purchases from his wife Austa, for pieces of meat priced over 18 pounds.

It's proven without any doubt that this is not a balanced transaction, but a way for this corrupt and lying man to make money. I also present evidence in form of the documententation of his grant, which hold 190 pieces of meat. Is this a coincident your honour?

I also like to add to the first two accounts another, for resisting arrest by trying to leave the county.

I request that an order for his arrest is issued in Ayr county, preferably the whole of Scotland and that he's held within the reach of Ayr county law until this trial is ended.

I once again ask that his grant is closed, because the issuer Leahandra no longer is active and have not been for a long time. The new administration must be able to make rulings to change old ones. James5 no longer have the trust of Largs, and should therefore be released of his grant.

I'll present a link to all documentation. And I can give it to your honour personally as soon as I get the chance. Many of the documents, including sales, purchases, inventory and grants have already been presented to members of CC to be shown to your honour Europaeterna.

Ayr County Court Approval:
I, Serendipity Ominus Sharpe do hereby find this case valid and eligible for transfer to the jurisdiction of Galloway County. I hereby request that James5 be tried in Galloway County for his crimes in Ayr County.

Serendipity Ominus Sharpe
Judge of Ayr County
September 20, 1458
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