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 Goodbye Ayr

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Join date : 2009-06-20
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Goodbye Ayr Empty
PostSubject: Goodbye Ayr   Goodbye Ayr Icon_minitimeMon Jul 26, 2010 9:52 pm

"Agenda my dear Krag? I've not to much in mind. Just a toast or two"

Seri steps up near the band and waits for the song to end.

"Greeting all Ayrish and visitors! Thank you so much for attending our ball here near Ayr town. I think I can speak for us all when I say that we are honored to have you here."

"For you I've written a poem:

My friends and countrymen, today we rejoice.
And though this last hurrah was not thrown by choice,
we'll make the best of it to remember this land,
the place where many built it up with their hands.

The fine County of Ayr may soon be no more,
but before we go through that final stage door,
we will enjoy our County's final adieu,
and have ourselves a whiskey or two.

We'll toast to the King and his mysterious ways,
And we'll make choices at this next phase,
and so the people here deserve much praise,
for this was just thrust upon us one day.

Our hardships were sometimes harsh and tense,
But living in Ayr was a great experience,.
There is no other county in this nation,
That is always surpassing expectations.

It may be difficult but this we can do.
Just don't be afraid of something new.
Give it a chance and you'll get a great reward,
and a new future that you can work toward.

So take a mental note and remember your love for Ayr,
Before it is gone, sitting in a great pyre.
Some day Scotland will look back and think and admire,
Those people that walked through that great fire.

To Ayr and all the good times!
To your memories and mine!"
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PostSubject: AYR LAWS   Goodbye Ayr Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 10:19 pm


Remmi wrote:
Effective Nov 3rd,1458:

Quote :
001 Book 1 - The Constitution
Legal corpus of the Duchy of Ayr

Book I – The Constitution

Article 1 – The Principle

Article 1.1.1: Any law or decree proclaimed by the King of Scotland applies to the Duchy of Ayr.

Article 1.1.2: The laws are not retroactive.

Article 1.1.3: Any enacted law or decree will come into effect the next day (meaning the reset following) after they are published, unless the Council should decide a different day for a law or decree to take effect.

Article 1.1.4: Rule of Law
No one person, regardless of their position or power in the Duchy, is exempt from any of these laws except where specifically stated.

Article 2 – The Duchy Council

Article 1.2.1: The Council is assigned for a term of 2 months, by the citizens of the Duchy by means of a democratic election. The Council will be composed of 12 individuals, and upon their election shall elect among themselves a Duke/Duchess to represent them and assign the 10 council positions. The new council may request that up to three(3) members of the outgoing council not returning, stay on for the first seven(7) days of the new term to help train the newly elected council. When there are 52 days remaining until the election of the next council, these three(3) members shall be dismissed with gratitude.

Sub i: The Duke protects the Duchy. He appoints and revokes ministers that act in his name. He controls the rectification of the laws and he is the only one able to give high justice.

Sub ii: The Sheriff manages the breeding of livestock, is in overall charge of administration of the mines, and is in charge of issuing money grants from the Duchy funds. The Sheriff can also allocate funds to the Sergeant for purposes of the Army and Constabulary forces of the Duchy.

Sub iii: The Mines Superintendent manages the maintenance of the mines of the Duchy.

Sub iv: The Trade Minister is in charge of overall trade in the Duchy. He controls the County Fair and the productions of the Duchy.

Sub v: The Sergeant is the manager of the Armed Forces. He can buy and sell weapons, and can also issue grants (useful for the armies). The Sergeant allocates money to Constable. He can allocate or revoke the money allocated to the Constable instantaneously. He is also always aware of the balance of the Constable's funds.

Sub vi: The Constable organizes the defense of the towns by recruiting Marshals. The recruitment of the "Chief Marshals" is made in a confidential way, directly with the person concerned. The Constable determines the number and the stats needs for the to-be-hired Marshals. The Constable determines the amount of the wages, and pays them. This payment will be made only once, at any time that the Constable chooses.

Sub vii: The Captain leads the Duchy army.

Sub viii: The Public Prosecutor files cases and manages the prosecution of cases in the Duchy Court.

Sub ix: The Judge administers justice in conformity to the laws of the Duchy.

Sub x: The Spokesperson is the primary public voice of the Council. He announces the decisions of the Duke and the Council to the populous of the Duchy.

Sub xi: Councilors with no position can be assigned to other duties by the Duke. Examples of other duties are Chancellor, Rector, or any position a Duke can give.

Article The Duke

Sub i: The Duke is the leader of the Duchy Council. He is the highest authority of the Duchy.

Sub ii: The Duke is the protector of the Duchy, of its laws and of its citizens.

Sub iii: The Duke's actions will always be for the protection of the people and the goods of the Duchy.

Sub iv: The Duke's authority is irrevocable and it is assigned by the Council by a majority vote. The Duke can resign on his volition.

Sub v: The Duke has the sole power to modify or remove a law from the legal corpus of Ayr, after a council vote on the same issue.

Sub vi: The Duke can issue decrees that will be applicable as laws for a temporary period of time, after a council vote on the same issue. The decrees must be announced to mayors by the Spokesperson, and should be posted by each mayor in the Town Hall.

Article The Lord Protector

Sub i: The Lord Protector is the second highest authority of the Duchy.

Sub ii: In case the duke is ill and incapacitated of doing his duties, The Lord Protector temporarily obtains the Duke's authority and duties until the Duke is capable again to take back is duties and authority.

Sub iii: The Lord Protector is elected with simple majority by the Council at the beginning of each term.

Article The Constable

Sub i: The Constable get his power from the Duke's authority.

Sub ii: The Constable's power is the extension of the Duke's power. The Constable acts as the civil arms of the Duke.

Sub iii: The Constable receives authority over the Duchy Chief Marshals.
He has the right to restrain the liberty of a person, and the duty of protection of the people and institutions, to inform and represent the Duchy.

Sub iv: The power of the Constable can be extended by the Public Prosecutor and the Judge.

Article The Public Prosecutor

Sub i: The Public Prosecutor is able to prosecute cases in the Duchy court in the name of the Duchy.

Article The Sergeant

Sub i: The Sergeant allocates money to Constable. He can allocate or take back the money allocated to the Constable instantaneously.

Article 3 – The Legislative Power of the Duchy

Article 1.3.1: A proposal becomes a law only after it receives the Duke's ratification.

Article 1.3.2: The Council examines law proposals proposed by any Council member, and after discussion, submits the proposal to the Duke to be put to vote.

Article 4 – The Judicial Power of the Duchy

Article 1.4.1: Justice has three levels: High, Moderate and Low.

Article 1.4.2: High Justice governs trials that will have a sentence of capital punishment or exile. Only the Duke can give this sentence. The Judge issues the sentence on the Duke's behalf.

Article 1.4.3: Moderate and Low Justice are solely administered by the Judge in the name of the Duke. These constitute the majority of criminal cases.

Article 1.4.4: Any crime committed in the Duchy is subject to the laws of the Duchy.

Article 1.4.5: Any person under trial is considered innocent until the sentence is given. During the trial, the person must make himself available and respond to the demands of the judicial system.

Article 1.4.6: Value of proof, by decreasing order of its force:
i. The highest form of proof is a contract or a written agreement. An official contract signed by two or more parties needs the approval of the Council. A written agreement is a document signed by two or more parties and published in public. Any written proof has higher precedence than any spoken agreement.
ii. The confession: The person confesses the crime and is subject to judicial consequences.
iii. The testimony: A person who witnesses a crime and declares to the authorities the crime they witnessed, can provide a testimony in Court.

Article 1.4.7: The judicial process follow a sequential procedure:
i. Complaints and evidence are either collected by the Constabulary Force or sent directly to the Public Prosecutor by the plaintiff.
ii. The case is filed by the Public Prosecutor after studying the case.
iii. Further investigation can be conducted by the Constabulary Force on demand by the Public Prosecutor.
iv. The official trial starts when the case is filed and passed along to the Judge.
v. The trial is administered.
vi. Judgment is passed.
vii. Sentence is given, if deemed fit.

Article 1.4.8: The trial is public and is held at the Duchy Court.

Article 1.4.9: Whosoever is accused of a crime in the Duchy of Ayr, shall have the right to a Defense Counsel. This Defense Counsel shall have access to evidence under the right to disclosure, and shall provide mitigating evidence, testimony, witnesses, and may argue points of law regarding only the accused's criminal charges.

Article 1.4.10: Testimony from witnesses are admissible in court. Witnesses must swear to state the truth only.

Article 1.4.11: A condemned person can appeal to the Duke to adjudicate the regarding sentence, in cases of:
i. Capital sentence
ii. Exile
iii. Jail time over 10 days.

Article 5 – Rights of the People

Article 1.5.1: All citizens of the Duchy must swear their fidelity and loyalty to the Duchy and serve the Duchy.

Article 1.5.2: All citizens of the Duchy have the obligation to know the laws and to conform to them.

Article 1.5.3: All citizens of the Duchy are granted the following rights as according to the law:
i. Right to work.
ii. To buy land as long they have paid the required price.
iii. To vote if they have paid the 90p tax required to the Duchy.
iv. To join any professional guild, political party, spiritual or cultural groups under the limit of the laws.

Article 1.5.4: All citizens of the Duchy have the duty to help their community by paying taxes levied on them, and serve in the Duchy army if such a need arises.

The Towns and County may assess taxes, if needed. The mayors have duty to collect County taxes assessed and return it in the designated form in a timely manner (no more than 14 days from issuance). Mayors are required to provide evidence of payment of taxes (ooc: screenshot) to Trade Minister, and non payment of taxes (ooc: screenshot) to the PP and Judge.

Failure to pay taxes will be considered a light crime and is subject to those penalties as well as interest charged by the king. Mayors who fail to return county set taxes will be charged and prosecuted for fraud and treason and become subject to the sentencing appropriate for appropriate level of crime. Council officials who abuse the taxation process are subject to abuse of power and treason charges to be prosecuted by a trial of mayors.

Article 1.5.5: No one can attack the reputation of a citizen of the Duchy by making false accusation.

Article 1.5.6: A citizen always has the right to bring a criminal act to the eyes of the Public Prosecutor.

Article 1.5.7: Noble titles and official positions are protected by law. To use a title or a position without been authorized to do so is a crime. Titles and official positions must be recognized by the Kingdom or recognized by the Duchy.

Article 1.5.8: All persons deemed to be Persona Non Grata by the County will be stripped of rights and will travel through the County at their own peril. Should they be the victim of a crime in the County they will not be protected under the law unless the Count approves it. (law added Nov 3,1458)

Article 6 – Rights of Groups

Article 1.6.1: The citizens of the Duchy can associate with an order, guild or corporation or other groups of political, cultural, or economic nature as long as their association to such group respects the laws.

Article 1.6.2:The groups from Article 1.6.1 can ask the Duchy Council for recognition and obtain privileges and rights for their members. A decree by the Duke sanctions this recognition and defines their right and duty to the Duchy.

Article 1.6.3: Religious groups can be recognized by the highest ranking member of the church of the Duchy.

Article 1.6.4: Any commercial group can be recognized by the Duchy Council after the Trade Minister studies their case for recognition.

Article 1.6.5: Knighthood orders are to be recognized by the King of Scotland or the Duke.

Article 1.6.6: No military organization or group of combative nature is allowed to move or recruit in the Duchy of Ayr without the approbation of the Duchy Council. The approbation is limited in time and can be revoked at any time by the Duchy Council without warning.

Exception: Military organizations under control of the Duchy Council or Scottish National Government are exempt.

Article 1.6.7: Any person or group that breaks the previous laws will be subject to trial under public disorder.

Article 7 –Trading

Article 1.7.1: All citizens of the Duchy are free to trade on the markets.

Article 1.7.2: The liberty of trading available to the citizens of the Duchy must not put in danger the economical development of the Duchy or cause social disorder.

Article 1.7.3: The price of goods can be set by the seller under the provision of the articles in “Article 3 – Attacks on Consumers”.

Article 1.7.4: When deemed necessary, generally in the case of shortage or war, the mayor can fix the maximum price of foods, or goods involved in the creation of foods, sold anywhere within the town's limits, including but not limited to the markets and the taverns. This authority also extends to any and all goods that may be strategic to the town, such as axes, ladders and boats, etc. These price caps are enforceable after the approbation of the Trade Minister under authority of the Duke/Duchess and will be enforced until such time as the mayor determines they are no longer necessary or the Trade Minister repeals the authority.

Article 1.7.5: In case of shortage or war, the Duchy Council can fix the maximum price of essential or strategic goods in all or a certain part of the Duchy.

Article 1.7.8: The liberty of work from Article 1.5.3 cannot be limited by a municipal decision to restrain access to the mines. Only the Duchy Council, through the Sheriff, can refuse access to this resource.

Article 8 – Town

Article 1.8.1: The citizens of the Duchy are also citizens of a specific town of the Duchy. The towns constitute the primary political unit of the Kingdom.

Article 1.8.2: Each town is governed by a mayor elected by an absolute majority vote of the citizens of the town. In case of a tied vote the older candidate shall win.

Article 1.8.3: The mayor has the responsibility of the management and development of the economy and social life of the town.

Article 1.8.4: In the case a mayor resigns or is unable to administer the office of mayor properly, the Duchy Council can appoint a replacement administrator, through a sanctioned revolt if needed, who will have the same rights of an elected mayor, and administer the town till the next mayoral elections

Article 1.8.5: The mayor shall ensure that the laws of the Duchy and Ducal decrees are followed in the town.

Article 1.8.6: The mayor can file and prosecute a case in the Duchy court in the name of the town.

Article 1.8.7: The mayor has legislative power over the town. He can make municipal decrees that will have the force of laws for a limited time as long as such decrees don't contradict Duchy and King laws and they receive the approbation of the Duchy Council. This approbation is given when the Duke ratifies it.

Article 1.8.8: Citizens of the town have the right to oppose a municipal decree if they feel that the decree is contradictory to existing Duchy or King laws. Citizens may accomplish this by contacting a member of the Duchy Council in a public place, where it will be determined legal or null by the Council.

Article 1.8.9: The Duchy Councilors have the same right mentioned in Article 1.8.8, but don't need to live in the same town.

Article 1.8.10: The mayor has the right to collect taxes on fields and shops. He may only levy taxes every 15 days. The delay of the payment is 7 days. If a citizen does not pay his tax, he may be prosecuted as a criminal.

Article 1.8.11: When a charge of crime is placed against a member of the Duchy Council, the case will be run by the Council of Mayors. One mayor will assume the place of judge, and the rest will assume places on the jury. The trial will be ran in the Council of Mayors' chambers, and when a verdict is reached, they will pass this to the Duchy Council Judge (or whomever is taking his place, should he be the one on trial), the Public Prosecutor will begin an In-Game trial against the perpetrator, and the Judge will cast the verdict and sentence given to him by the Council of Mayors on the perpetrator.

Quote :
002 Book II - Penal Code
Legal corpus of the Duchy of Ayr

Book II - Penal Code

Article 1 - Crimes

Article 2.1.1: Each criminal declared guilty and convicted by the Judge will receive a sentence. This sentence is proportional to the crime that has been committed.

Article 2.1.2: The various sentences of Duchy of Ayr are:
i. Public apology in the appropriate Town hall or the Duchy hall.
ii. Fines
iii. Jail time; for a light sentence, jail time is less than or equal to 3 days.
iv. Jail time; for a heavy sentence, jail time is greater than or equal to 3 days.
v. Exile
vi. Capital sentence by hanging, decapitation, or burning. Nobles cannot be hanged.

Article 2.1.3: Crimes are divided in four categories: Light crime, moderate crime, serious crime, infamous crime.
i. Light crimes have a sentence of degree i to ii. (Article 2.1.2)
ii. Moderate crimes have a sentence of degree ii to iv. (Article 2.1.2)
iii. Serious crimes have a sentence of degree ii to v. (Article 2.1.2)
iv. Infamous crimes have a sentence of degree i to vi. (Article 2.1.2)

Article 2.1.4: A repeat offense will face a higher degree of sentencing.

Article 2.1.5: Confession of a crime can (but does not necessarily) lower the degree of the sentence.

Article 2.1.6: The participation or the complicity in a crime exposes the concerned individual to be prosecuted under complicity in a crime. Accomplices in a crime, if convicted, can be sentenced to a lower degree of sentence.

Article 2.1.7: Public enemies of the County can be sentenced to exile with no day in court. An official censure of Persona Non Grata can be placed on a public enemy when the Council votes in favor by a vote of 70% or more. The Count must ratify this and the Council must agree that they have violated the county in a despicable way by voting for this censure. In order to repeal the censure the County Council must again agree to do so by a vote of 70% or more. (law added Nov 3,1458)

Article 2 – Attacks on the Rights of the People

Article 2.2.1: A robbery is defined as any action, the goal of which is to steal the goods of someone else. This is a moderate crime.
A violent robbery is defined as any action, the goal of which is to steal the goods of someone else through the use of violence. This is a serious crime.
Organized robbery is defined as any action of robbery that negates the liberty of movement of the citizens and of goods in the Duchy. This is an infamous crime.
The sentence for these crimes are described in Article 2.1.2 and Article 2.1.3.

Article 2.2.2: Slavery is defined as any attempt to hire someone with an indecent wage. The minimum decent wage is the minimum wage declared by the concerned Town Hall through decrees, otherwise the minimum wage of the Duchy of 14 pounds. Exceptions are made for working in the Church, working for the IMW, or working for an employer with expressed written consent by both parties. The Judge can recognize and approve a private contract that goes below minimum wage, on the condition that this arrangement was announced to the police lieutenant of the town in public. Slavery is a light crime, thus the sentence will be a fine at the discretion of the Judge. A repeat offense of slavery will be a moderate crime.

Article 2.2.3: Breach of contract is defined as the intentional or unintentional disregard to a contract made between to persons, parties, or entities. For a breach of contract to be declared, a copy of said contract must have been filed with the mayor, or a public record have been kept. A breach of contract can include exchange of goods, work, or other tradable commodities. The Public Prosecutor will prosecute these with discretion. Breach of contract is a crime, that will be treated case by case.

Article 3 – Attacks on Consumers

Article 3 of the Ayr laws is aimed at preventing undertakings who hold a dominant position in the common town market from abusing that position. Such abuses, prosecuted as fraud, consist in:

Article 2.3.1: Market speculation is defined as buying one or more goods and reselling it again at a higher price on the same common town market during the same period of time. Guidelines regarding this period of time may be published by the Ayr Council from time to time. In the absence of such guidelines, the Judge will consider 10 days as this period of time. This is a moderate crime and the sentence is set in Article 2.1.3.

Article 2.3.2: Abusive Pricing is defined as performing unfair purchase or selling prices to the consumers. Guidelines regarding abusive pricing may be published by the Ayr Council from time to time. In the absence of such guidelines, the Judge will compare the challenged pricing with market prices in other places in the Kingdom of Scotland ; a mark-up exceeding 25% below or above those prices will generally be considered as abusive pricing. This is a moderate crime, except in cases of shortages or war when it becomes a serious crime and the sentence is set in Article 2.1.3.

Article 2.3.3: Artificial Shortage is defined as any attempt, by one or several persons, to control all available supplies of a given good in order to limit or control the entire production of said good and artificially increase the price of the said good on the common town market, or such a large quantity of said good that it seriously imbalances the market for said good for a number of days. This apply to any individual or group of individuals. This is a moderate crime, except in cases of shortages or war when it becomes a serious crime and the sentence is set in Article 2.1.3.

Article 2.3.4: Dumping is defined as any action, without the prior town's mayor agreement, of importing and selling, one or more, goods below the local price market causing harm to the local economy. Guidelines about the amount of good considered as dumping may be published by the Ayr Council from time to time. In the absence of such guidelines, the Judge will take any amount of goods over three days production as the dumping quantity. This is a moderate crime and the sentence is set in Article 2.1.3. The Judge has also to consider if the accused is producer or not of the said good and/or if he is local or not local as aggravating or attenuating circumstances.

Article 2.3.5: Tavern Fraud is defined as discrepancy between what is advertised on the tavern menu and the meal effectively provided. Any tavern owner who collects payment on a meal providing no food (whether advertised as such or not) or a lesser amount of food than advertised shall be charged with fraud. This is a moderate crime and the sentence is set in Article 2.1.3.

Article 2.3.6: Price Caps Violation is defined as selling a good at a higher price than the town defined price cap, lawfully set according the Articles 1.8.7, 1.7.4, & 1.1.2, on said good. This is a moderate crime and the sentence is set in Article 2.1.3.

Article 4 – Attacks on the Institution of the Duchy

Article 2.4.1: An act of public disorder is defined as any action that disturbs or disrupts the public order and the peace of the Duchy. Any violation of municipal or Duchy decrees can cause prosecution under public disorder. Public disorder is a light to moderate crime and the sentence is set in Article 2.1.3.

Article 2.4.2: An act of rebellion is defined as any action to attack the Town hall or the Duchy Castle or the takeover of these institutions. A rebellion is a serious crime and the sentence is set in Article 2.1.3.

Article 2.4.3: An act of treason is defined as any attempt made by a citizen of Scotland against the institution of the Duchy, or any divulging of political, economical or military information, with the intent to weaken the Duchy of Ayr or it's sister counties and its institutions resulting in a loss of land, social stability, sovereignty, political or economical autonomy. Because of their rank, members of the Duchy council's expose themselves to high treason for an act of treason. Treason is a serious crime and high treason is an infamous crime. Any person accused of treason within the borders of Scotland will be tried upon their arrival in Ayr. If they have been previously convicted in another county of the crime now accused, this will be considered written evidence. If found Guilty of treason, a minimum fine of 100 pounds will be added to the sentence set forth in Article 2.1.3

Article 2.4.3.x: An act of treachery is defined as any attempt made by a citizen of any other nation against the institution of the Duchy, or any divulging of political, economical or military information, with the intent to weaken the Duchy of Ayr or it's sister counties and its institutions resulting in a loss of land, social stability, sovereignty, political or economical autonomy. Because of their rank, members of the Duchy council's expose themselves to high treachery for an act of treachery. Treachery is a serious crime and high treason is an infamous crime. Any person accused of treachery within the borders of Scotland will be tried upon their arrival in Ayr. If they have been previously convicted in another county of the crime now accused, this will be considered written evidence. If found Guilty of treachery, a minimum fine of 200 pounds will be added to the sentence set forth in Article 2.1.3

Article 2.4.4: An act of falsification of proof is defined as the creation of false evidence or modification of actual material evidence that can affect the result of the trial.
An act of false testimony is defined as the act of stating false information or the omission of information as testimony before the court during a trial.
The falsification of proof and false testimony are light crimes. If these acts are committed to make false accusation, the accuser exposes himself to receive the same degree of sentencing that the accused would have received. The sentences are set in Article 2.1.3

Article 2.4.5: An act of abuse of public goods is defined as the use of a public position by a person to make himself or an accomplice richer.
An act of economical nuisance is defined as any speculative act with the intent of personal economical gain at the detriment of the public economy.
The act of abuse of public goods and act of economical nuisance are serious crimes, and the sentences are set in Article 2.1.3.

Article 2.4.6: An act of abuse of power is defined as the use of public position beyond normal duties to earn political or personal gain for himself or an accomplice.

Article 2.4.7: Contempt of Court
If any person present in the Court offends the Court in one of the ways listed below the Judge may hold them in contempt. All persons held in contempt are charged forthwith and sentenced immediately. This charge can apply to the Public Prosecutor, the defendant or any witness called to the court. Contempt of court can be considered a moderate to serious crime based on the Judge's ruling of the infraction and sentence is set in Article 2.1.3.

Grounds for Contempt are:
-- insulting the Court
-- showing disrespect for the Court and it's proceedings

The Judge can use comments made directly to the court within the courtroom or outside the courtroom in order to consider an offender guilty of contempt.

Article 2.4.8: Obstruction of Justice
Whosoever shall deliberately hide, conceal or aid any person who has committed a crime under any Law or Decree in effect in the Duchy of Ayr, is punishable with one day's imprisonment. This does not apply to anyone acting in the capacity of the defendant's legal counsel.

Article 5 - Natural Resources
This law applies to merchants and their trading.

Article 2.5.1: The law
No visiting merchant may sell a town's natural resource in that town unless the merchant can provide proof that the natural resource that he or she put up on the market was obtained through his or her own personal labour in the same town's orchard, sea or forest, whichever is applicable. This is a moderate crime and the sentence is set in Article 2.1.3.

Article 2.5.2: Definition
Natural resource –
Wood, fish and fruit are natural resources. Each town has a specific natural resource depending on whether the town has a forest, sea/lake or orchard.

Visiting merchant -
Someone selling goods in a town of which they are not a resident.

Article 2.5.3: Exceptions
In the rare case that a town has a shortage of their natural resource, the mayor can declare a temporary decree that states that this law does not apply for a certain period of time. The mayor will also inform the Trade Minister on the Duchy Council.

Article 6 - Murder Law
The Murder Law ensures that the needless death of innocents is punishable according to the law.

Article 2.6.1: Any army, robber, or group of robbers who participate in an attack on an individual that results in their death is in breach of the Murder Law.

Article 2.6.2: Exceptions: This law does not extend to deaths of the members of two armies engaged in combat, or those who are defending a town against an attack by an army, only those of travellers.

Article 2.6.3: The act of murder is considered an infamous crime. The sentence for these crimes are described in Article 2.1.2 and Article 2.1.3.
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Age : 49
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Goodbye Ayr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goodbye Ayr   Goodbye Ayr Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2014 6:14 am

Thank you very much, whoever posted the laws of Ayr County. They will be saved forever. Best wishes to you my friends!

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PostSubject: Re: Goodbye Ayr   Goodbye Ayr Icon_minitime

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