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 Clan Sharpe

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Posts : 178
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 49
Location : California

Clan Sharpe Empty
PostSubject: Clan Sharpe   Clan Sharpe Icon_minitimeFri Apr 16, 2010 12:51 am

Clan Sharpe Introduction

Remmi wrote:
Clan Sharpe Introduction

People of Scotland, I come to you today to present a new take on an old idea. I present to you a new clan that represents the welfare of Scotland. Aye. These past months we've seen civil war, danger surmounting on the high seas, and even threats of physical changes of our countryside. While some people have left Scotland because of the turmoil many of us continue here. We live resiliently. For we are Scots through and through. While our counties separate us logistically, it is only that, a county line which truly separates us, Scot from Scot. I know that we have more similar views than differing views.

Also, never forget that there is good reason to rejoice in the time we live in. The passing of the recent wars gives us a new starting point, a good time to reflect on our victories or mistakes; a time to accept a new challenge. A challenge I hope we'll be able to step up to and meet with our heads held high. From this point we'll be making a brand new history, something unique to be treasured. I believe this is a new era for Scotland. Perhaps something good can come of it.

I see in many new people a great potential. I see the face of the experienced too though. You would all prefer your days here be more pleasant. You would like to be able to step back and breathe; take a break from the trials, the grudges and misconceptions that plague us daily. This is what I offer to you. I offer to you a clan that at it's roots will try to be positive and life changing in all respects. You won't see pettiness, dishonor or disloyalty here. You won't see negative comments or gossip. In other words, it will have the best of intentions.

For those of you who join the Sharpe Clan, you will get a daily breath and your nights will be filled with laughter. While I can make no promises I will swear to do my best as Clan Chief to make this the rule, not the exception.

This clan will help those within it and outside it. It will form alliances and support the Scottish people as a whole. Clan Sharpe may sound like just another clan to you, but I would like to see it become so much more than that. A clan is a sum of its parts. When these parts work together for a common goal then something fantastic is bound to happen. We can accomplish great things when great minds work together. I may just be one person here, but I would like to offer you my respect, unconditionally.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clan Sharpe Sharpe_Badge_Silver_0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clan Motto: Dum Spiro Spero (While I breath, I hope) - Brass Badge

Sharpe stands for a cohesive future. Let's help make Scotland something we can be proud of. In this clan you won't just have camaraderie and support; we'll also feed your ideas and bring them to life. I hope to see peace come to my kinsmen as the country heals itself, but until that day I will reach for my friends, my family, my clan to get me through it.

And so I call upon you, if you share any of these sentiments with me then please feel free to come and ask about Clan Sharpe. We will be a pillar that you can lean on. If you are accepted into our clan, we will welcome you with open arms, no matter who you are, no matter what you have done. You will be a real part of something and a real someone to us. Every member will be important and have influence on our actions.

If you want to enjoy your time here with positive people who will support you when you need it, this is the place to go. We'll have many discussions, activities and adventures. This is only the beginning.

Current member list:
Remmi Sharpe (Clan Chief)
Serendipity Sharpe Ominus (Matriarch)
Julius Ominus (Laird Sharpe of Ayr)
Roy_Garlock (Laird Sharpe of Galloway)

Our first clan function at Castle Sharpe is the Sharpe/Ominus wedding taking place here:
[RP]A Pleasant Reception (Highland Halls)

Last edited by Xeni/Sere on Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:51 pm; edited 13 times in total
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Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 49
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Clan Sharpe Empty
PostSubject: Sharpe Forum   Clan Sharpe Icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 12:36 am


To make a clan forum we'll need: Name, where, what purpose, any special needs, who the mod is, and the names of at least 6 founding members.

Last edited by Xeni/Sere on Thu May 06, 2010 9:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-10-24
Age : 44
Location : Muirkirk

Clan Sharpe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clan Sharpe   Clan Sharpe Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 12:39 am

Okay. Let's get moving on this. Smile Can you make me admin here, etc?
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Clan Sharpe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clan Sharpe   Clan Sharpe Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 3:51 am

You now have full administration rights.
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Age : 44
Location : Muirkirk

Clan Sharpe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clan Sharpe   Clan Sharpe Icon_minitimeSun Oct 03, 2010 9:10 pm

I don't seem to be admin. I can't edit your post.
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Posts : 39
Join date : 2009-10-24
Age : 44
Location : Muirkirk

Clan Sharpe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clan Sharpe   Clan Sharpe Icon_minitimeSun Oct 03, 2010 9:26 pm

Clan Sharpe Introduction

People of Scotland, I come to you today to present a new take on an old idea. I present to you a new clan that represents the welfare of Scotland. Aye. These past months we've seen civil war, danger surmounting on the high seas, and even threats of physical changes of our countryside. While some people have left Scotland because of the turmoil many of us continue here. We live resiliently. For we are Scots through and through. While our counties separate us logistically, it is only that, a county line which truly separates us, Scot from Scot. I know that we have more similar views than differing views.

Also, never forget that there is good reason to rejoice in the time we live in. The passing of the recent wars gives us a new starting point, a good time to reflect on our victories or mistakes; a time to accept a new challenge. A challenge I hope we'll be able to step up to and meet with our heads held high. From this point we'll be making a brand new history, something unique to be treasured. I believe this is a new era for Scotland. Perhaps something good can come of it.

I see in many new people a great potential. I see the face of the experienced too though. You would all prefer your days here be more pleasant. You would like to be able to step back and breathe; take a break from the trials, the grudges and misconceptions that plague us daily. This is what I offer to you. I offer to you a clan that at it's roots will try to be positive and life changing in all respects. You won't see pettiness, dishonor or disloyalty here. You won't see negative comments or gossip. In other words, it will have the best of intentions.

For those of you who join the Sharpe Clan, you will get a daily breath and your nights will be filled with laughter. While I can make no promises I will swear to do my best as Clan Chief to make this the rule, not the exception.

This clan will help those within it and outside it. It will form alliances and support the Scottish people as a whole. Clan Sharpe may sound like just another clan to you, but I would like to see it become so much more than that. A clan is a sum of its parts. When these parts work together for a common goal then something fantastic is bound to happen. We can accomplish great things when great minds work together. I may just be one person here, but I would like to offer you my respect, unconditionally.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clan Sharpe Sharpe_Badge_Silver_0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clan Motto: Dum Spiro Spero (While I breath, I hope) - Brass Badge

Sharpe stands for a cohesive future. Let's help make Scotland something we can be proud of. In this clan you won't just have camaraderie and support; we'll also feed your ideas and bring them to life. I hope to see peace come to my kinsmen as the country heals itself, but until that day I will reach for my friends, my family, my clan to get me through it.

And so I call upon you, if you share any of these sentiments with me then please feel free to come and ask about Clan Sharpe. We will be a pillar that you can lean on. If you are accepted into our clan, we will welcome you with open arms, no matter who you are, no matter what you have done. You will be a real part of something and a real someone to us. Every member will be important and have influence on our actions.

If you want to enjoy your time here with positive people who will support you when you need it, this is the place to go. We'll have many discussions, activities and adventures. This is only the beginning.

Current member list:
Remmi Sharpe (Clan Chief)
Serendipity Sharpe Ominus (Matriarch)
Julius Ominus (Laird Sharpe of Ayr)
Roy_Garlock (Laird Sharpe of Galloway)

Our first clan function at Castle Sharpe is the Sharpe/Ominus wedding taking place here:
[RP]A Pleasant Reception (Highland Halls)
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Posts : 178
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 49
Location : California

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PostSubject: Re: Clan Sharpe   Clan Sharpe Icon_minitimeSat Mar 13, 2021 2:56 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Clan Sharpe   Clan Sharpe Icon_minitime

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