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 [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10

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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 5:57 am

Welcome to Introduction to Politics: Mayors and Mentors

In this class we'll engage your in game abilities, your sensibilities and teach you all about managing a town.

Anyone may attend classes, should enroll by notifying me first.

Let's begin:

Subject A) Mentors and Mayors role in helping the new player:
1) Each town has a Mentor letter. This letter gives all new persons a basic idea of how to play. We try to include all facts that people need to know right away; how to eat and work and get reputation points, but most people don't ever finish this letter, as it does get long.

EFFECTIVENESS: An effective Mentor letter is specific and has topics plainly posted in an outlined format. I have included an example here. You SHOULD read and know every fact posted in here:

Quote :

Welcome, to Whithorn! I’ll be your guide. My name is Syseelia and I'm the Chief Mentor of this town. If you need ANY help, just click "reply" and send me an "in-game" letter. =]

== NOW, FIRST THING: Click on "Town" and then "Market" and purchase 10 bags of corn from the market at £4.95 each. Do not purchase any other corn, only the £4.95 corn that belongs to the program. This will enroll you in our NEW CITIZEN program. (You may receive a note from me or from the Mayor confirming that you are now in the program.)

ABOUT THE PROGRAM: When you are ready for level 1 (you have earned 5 reputation points & 65 pounds of cash), contact the Mayor and she will tell you how to get £55 CASH. This £55 will push you into Level 1 and the Mayor will give you advice on what kind of field you should choose.

This letter is LONG and I get that, BUT I suggest that you – SAVE IT - somewhere, as mail is deleted automatically after 2 weeks.

- LEVEL ZERO: This game is all about living day to day and working your way UP in the world. =) Level zero is all about having what it takes to move up. The key is to SAVE YOUR MONEY! Save your money and food and do not waste it (on clothes, food or anything else), or you can’t level as quickly as you should. Also, if you don’t know, ask! Ask the Chief Mentor or the Mayor. You are not “bothering” us.

== A DAY . . . in RK (Renaissance Kingdoms) is the 24 hour period between one reset and the next. Reset occurs each day at 2:00 GMT. (Time is posted on the church). For example, if you are in PST (-8 GMT), reset occurs from 7 – 8 pm at night.

You must eat every day to survive. Look at the top of your screen. Next to your money is your “status”. If you are “fit” you only need to eat one Hunger Point (that means 1 corn). If you are “exhausted” you need to eat two Hunger Points (two corns or one bread).

- FOOD: To eat; click on “Me”, then “My inventory”. Click on the hand print to eat each item. Remember what I said above: if you are “fit”, you need ONLY eat one corn. (It will still say you are hungry, but ignore that.) To get more food on subsequent days you will buy it either from the market or a tavern (which are individually owned and priced). Your money is only to be used to buy food (not wine, women or fancy clothes). Do not buy any food besides corn or bread until you level. DO NOT BUY BEER.

- DON’T GET DRUNK: To enter a tavern, simply click on the name of one. If you visit the taverns, do NOT buy beer at all (only richer people should ever buy beer) and do not allow anyone to buy you more than 5 drinks or you may get drunk. If you are too drunk you can’t work or eat.

The best time to get jobs is early in the new day, for as they say - the early bird gets the work! You have THREE places to get work:
1. The Mine: Click "Out of Town" and "Works". Then click on the mine. (You get 7.50 this reset and then 7.50 on Sunday.)
2. As a level 0, you have to work two days in the Church. This will give you 2 of your 5 required Reputation Points. (More info below)
3. Farm jobs are in the Town Hall: Click “Town Hall” and “Job offers”. You will see a job and the skills required. If it says “0 Intelligence Points” or “0 Strength Points” you can apply for it, even though you have no character statistics yet.

Read your Town Hall’s Message and keep checking it. Don’t buy cheap items and then resell them higher. This is a prosecutable crime.

Like I said above: “When you are ready for level 1 (you have earned 5 Reputation Points & £65 of cash), contact the Mayor and she will tell you how to get £55 from the Town Hall. This £55 will push you into Level 1 and the Mayor will give you advice on what kind of field you should choose and tell you how to level.” * Remember, you can ONLY get this £55 pounds if you are enrolled in the NEW CITIZEN program. *

== REPUTATION POINTS are points you give and get from other people. (You get two points per week that you can give out.) As said above, you will get 2 Reputation Points from the Church. However, you also need 3 Reputation Points from other players. This is part of the game. The best time to find people to trade Reputation Points with is on Sunday after people get paid and they get their 2 points to give out.

Visit the forums right away. Only worry about the top forum for now. Go into the Index and look for “Galloway” (that’s our County). Then look for “Whithorn”. That’s our town. There is both a County and a Town forum. Both are fun and will teach you a lot.

We hope you enjoy your life here in 1457 A.D. Whithorn! Please stay in touch.

Subject B) Things you should already know:

1) FOOD: People do not have to eat two hunger points per day. They only need to eat one when fit and two when exhausted. If you want stats, you can eat a one stat food and then a two stat food. How many stat points can you eat from a tavern? Four. Level twos can only get 3 stats per day, level 3s can get 4 stats per day. Even if you eat a 4 stat meal, you will not get them all unless you are level 3.

2) NCPs: New Citizens Programs can come in many names, but their main goals are the same:
Goal 1: to capture money that would mostly be lost when new people die.
Goal 2: to make a profit that will benefit the town.
Goal 3: to level up your town's new level zeros, so that they can start producing goods quickly.

How it works: A new person has £50 pounds. They purchase 10 corn for £4.95. This leaves them with £0.50. They use this corn and buy a few bread along the way to eat. Eventually when they have £60-£65 they send a mail to the Mayor. The Mayor then tells them how many wood to list on the market and at what price (about £15 each). This letter also tells them what field they should choose once they level.

3) Canceling a job: Minimum wage is often 14 pounds. We'll get into legal questions later. For now, you should simply know that should someone post a job for 12 pounds mistakenly they can either:
- - a. Cancel and Relist the Offer: Go into the field in question and find the job offer near the bottom (this might not appear right away, but after a few minutes). After canceling it will take another 5-10 minutes until they can offer the job over again.
- - b. Reimburse the worker: If they choose to reimburse the worker by buying expensive bread or something, I will excuse people violating this law.

4) MSN: I would be amiss if I didn't mention MSN and it's benefit to a Political office. Not only is it helpful in normal communications, but it can be essential in public relations. There is a big difference between sending a few letters and having an actual conversation with someone.

1) Post two or three questions in this thread. You can ask the most RANDOM questions you want to. They don't all have to be completely relevant. (They will all be answered at some point in the week, if not be me then by another Dean or the Overseer).

2) Attempt to set up an MSN account and chat with me if at all possible:
(This is not required for the course. It is simply a suggestion)

Last edited by Xeni on Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:03 am

{{First I would like to know something more about the Mentor letter. Does the mentor send it him/herself? Or is it sent automatically?}}
It is sent automatically when someone's character is created.

{{If the mentor sends it, how does he/she know, when a new citizen is born?}}
The mentor has an office. It lists all new persons and their dates of birth. He/she needs only to click on their name to see their profile from this office.

{{Or do they send these letters only once a day to all newborn who were born on that day?}}
Like I said above the letter is sent automatically when people are born.

{{Does a mentor have a possibility to send a mass letter or do they have to send it to every newborn separately?}}
I WISH they could send mass letters, but only the Mayor can do that and each Town Letter that is sent costs the town 5 Communications Points.

{{This one is about the NCP. I suppose that the corn for 4.95p comes from the town hall and that the wood is bought by the town hall again.}}
Actually the corn comes out of the Mentor's NCP grant. (This is so that they can keep good records of who has joined. The Town Hall events only go 7 deep, so it's very easy to overlook an applicant if people buy the corn form the Town Hall directly.)

{{Now let's assume that someone puts their corn for sale for 4.95p and a newborn, who had received the Mentor Letter, buys it. They don't know that something is wrong, because they don't know that the corn was supposed to come from the town hall.}}
Well, the Mentor checks the market and purchase/sales regularly to make sure this doesn't happen. If someone list corn for 4.95, it is then purchased by the Mentor with the NCP grant and reported to the Mayor, who can press charges for fraud if they so wish.

{{They think they are in the NCP, but they are not, since they did not buy corn for 4.95p from the town hall. The Mayor Letter says that they may receive a letter from the mayor or the mentor, which means that they don't necessarily have to recieve such a letter and therefore they are not surprised if they don't recieve such a letter. Now some time has passed and they ask the mayor for their money. It can easily last more than two weeks for them to get 5RP and 65p and by then all evidence is lost. They cannot prove that they really bought the corn, neither can they show who did they buy the corn from.
What should the mayor do? Give the newborn his 55p even if the town hall didn't recieve his 50p for the corn?}}

Well, this is a judgement case. If this person does exist after 1-2 weeks of playing than I believe that he/she is worth an investment from the Town Hall. Active players should be kept happy and rewarded for playing. I would not punish someone for another's crime and so I would happily pay them a negotiable amount of money to help them level.

{{This could really hurt the town hall and someone could sell their corn for a far better money are more quickly than if they sold it for any other price. Or is it forbiden to sell corn for this exact price?}}
Aye. It is forbidden to commit this kind of fraud and since every person is sent a letter regarding the NCP, everyone should know that the Mentor is selling corn for a set price like this. Ignorance would not be an excuse and as a Mayor I would most likely prosecute the fraudulent seller.

{{And how would you find out who did it, if they did not do it too often. As I said, from the time of the purchase of the corn to the moment, when the newborn asks the mayor for his money, two weeks can easily pass and by then you cannot find out, who sold the corn.}}
I addressed this above, but the Mentor should cancel his/her sales of this corn and then buy the corn from the perpetrator.

{{And not only the corn growers can profit at the loss of the town hall but the newborns as well. What if someone does not really buy the corn and just waits two weeks and then claims that they did?}}
The names of all participants are kept in the Mentor's town thread, but like I stated above I might give them the benefit of the doubt.

{{Or if someone, who wants to hurt the town, creates many clones, let them wait two weeks, earn 5RP and 65p and then claims that they all bought the corn (I know clones are forbidden, but people who want to hurt usually find their way and two weeks are not such a long time to hide it)?}}
You would have to have a mass conspiracy in order to do this. Having even one character on the same IP as another triggers alarm bells in the system and these persons would all be eradicated, along with the person's main character. I would also think they would be banned.

{{Wouldn't it be easier to price the corn for some price that cannot be set by an ordinary player?}}
Aye, and as I said before most participants would be lost because the Town Hall can only tell you the last 7 sales that you made. If the TM buys anything your participants' purchase is lost. I have had no problem with this kind of fraud in my town, but people also know that I am not tolerant of market manipulation.

Thank you for your questions. I welcome more or if I can clarify anything let me know.
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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:06 am

[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Worked-out
(Study Break)

{{Xenina, I can’t be the only one who found the letter a bit overwhelming I’m sure. It is a lot of information to take in and the NCP sounded so complicated when you haven’t even found the market let alone discovered how it works!}}

LOL. I hear you dear. It is one of the challenges that Mentoring brings. You have to empty your mind of all your knowledge of RK in order to see what a new person sees and to make the letter easier to read.

{{Have you ever tried alternatives and if so, how successful were they?
I don’t play any other game so I suppose I was new to all the concepts (sure I wasn’t the only one).}}

I haven't tired any alternate letters. I've changed the letter like 5000 times, but it's always the same basic letter.

{{Using MSN, I wasn’t expecting that, isn’t it taking things out of the game? Is this common practice in RK political life? I thought everything was played out in the forums, but I do take your point about having an actual conversation.}}
I first started using msn when I met Roy in Drummore. We both just happened to have msn and we talked then and still do talk quite often. I didn't even know that most RK people used it. Admtahoe took me in as a Mayor's apprentice and I started logging in every day. Adm gave me the basic Mayoral information in just a few msn sessions. He could squeeze this knowledge into a chat that just wouldn't work the same in a giant letter. I also quickly made friends with people who had characters in England, Dumfries, and Glasgow; something that otherwise would have been pretty impossible. I have found this MOST useful in Mayor and TM communication. What do you need? How much? What price? This is information that would take several e-mails to say what you could say in just a few minutes on msn. That is why I suggest it for every political office in RK, as well as using it to make friends ALL over the game.

{{Syseelia, I’m not sure about ordering new people to do certain things. I think perhaps telling new citizens to work the mines is a little too prescriptive, suggest/advise by all means. But, hey what do I know?}}
You DO what you need to as Mentor. Some Mentors will have different ideas and I'm not really going to say that you have to do it this way because this way is right. That's very rarely true.

The idea of this class is to get your mind moving and creating . . . to get you to create and/or edit your own Mentor letter as if you were the Mentor. How would you change it? What would you do differently? In essence your homework in this class will be "TO THINK". If you are thinking, then you did your homework right.

{{My last question; I can never get links to work on the forums, so I couldn’t click on the enrolling link either. To enable links to work in the RK forums, what do I need to do? What am I doing wrong?}}
Well, the link just leads you to the Student Registration thread, but . . . You must already have a forum2 forum page open and paste the link into a second window in order to get links to work. At least that's how it works for me in Chrome (my main browser).

Oh, a note here: RK rocks in Chrome or Safari and seems MUCH slower in IE or FF. My only issue is that you can only use Lavabo in IE or FF.

Last edited by Xeni on Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:27 am

Nuthatch wrote:
{{I started playing, when there was no NCP, I didn't get any information about it and didn't take part in that program. Once I mentioned NCP while talking to someone in tavern. As he was also an older player, he asked what the hell that NCP is. How older players are supposed to know that mentor is selling corn at that price and they can't use this price for the corn they want to sell?}}

People should be active. 4.95 is a ridiculous price for corn. If they are selling at that price, it's not so smart, cuz it would never sell. If a pig farmer is desperate enough, they should contact the mayor for a corn grant.

{{Strange, I always thought it costs 1 Communication Point... How often can you send a mass letter?}}
A-ha!! Alas you are right and I'm a tool. Well, it doesn't say how long the letters can be apart, but Aimili is about to send a letter, so she can tell us like tomorrow.

{{And my last question. Why isn't there fishing mentioned in "JOBS & REPUTATION" section? Can't level 0s fish?}}
Of course they can fish, but the County needs miners. Also, I have this information in the TOWN HALL. I also believe I DID have fishing information in my Mentor letter at some point and the Mentor edited it out. I do have a tutorial that we could lead people to if you wish:

You could also write something like this to lead people to.

Nut, I'm really, really, really glad to have you in my class. You have always been a very dependable resident and I'm so glad that you are interested in learning. Very Happy

[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Rth0086l

Last edited by Xeni on Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:31 am

Blissmaker wrote:
{{The New Citizen Program has very little to do with new citizens. A fact that I did not learn until I became the mentor is 90% of the people that sign up, die in the first 5 days.}}

This is true! She was really sad when she found this out.

{{Most sign up, log on and then never log on again. I believe the automatic initial message should target those people. I believe the initial message should create fun and curiousity and not be a tutorial.}}
Alright then. . . get to writing woman. What would you change? How would you put things and still include information that they really need?

{{On say the third day, if their curiousity is peaked enough to stick with the game, then the mentor can send them the tutorial. This is just my opinion.}}
I would have NO problem with this if I could GUARANTEE that each and every person would get a follow up and continued education, but as you know a lot of that time would be wasted since many people quit in the first few days.

{{The job of mentor is hard. I try to send emails almost everyday. I want my level zero's to be greated with a kind email. Some I get to know quite well. But for one example, even the best tutorial fails... after 4 days I noticed his money was going down and not up... I asked him why and his response... the church doesn't pay enough... He was working at the church everyday because that all he "thought" he could do. Obviously some people don't read but a good mentor can spot things like that.}} :O Omg. That's sad, but I hope you helped him out.

We should change our mentor message to say something more about working the mine in the first week. Aimili is changing her letter. Can you post that here Aimili?
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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:31 am

Aimili wrote:
Okay. Here is my issue. My town hall is totally broke and the TM is buying things one by one, but what else can I do to encourage income into my town hall? Also, people have just all paid a tax of 2.50 per field and workshop and I want to send out a mass letter. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should say to the people?

~ Aimili, Mayor of Drummore

This is the input I gave Aim on msn today:

1) Thank the people for paying their piddly taxes.
2) List some wood for 50 pounds if people don't want to play the game at all. (Edit the mentor letter for this)
3) List some wood for 15.53 for those people who would like to donate to the town and be placed in your "Hall of Fame".
4) Raise prices in the Drum and tell everyone to eat there. Also raise beer and wine prices.
5) Encourage people to hang out in the tavern. Give them a time frame when you might be in there every day (to increase game playing and fun).

[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 380386_main[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Paul3
(Study Break)

Last edited by Xeni on Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:33 am

Alanna_kyles wrote:
{{The job of Mentor is extemely hard. I have been playing now since 1456. I think back to my first experience in the Tavern in Ayr. I had extremely SUPER Mentors and they sure made sure we got so interested in the game of RK that we didn't wish to quit, and that that we learned every aspect of the game.}}

That's awesome! That's what all Mentors should aspire to.

{{What you have to focus on first is:
1. level 0... learning what you need to know to level up as quick as you can. I have a school for Roleplay in the forums, and it should be added to all Mentor letters. That way people get interested in trying out RP scenarios in a safe setting before getting intimidated on the forums as a whole.}}

OH! I won't disagree with that. It is a great idea. I recently had someone ask me "What more is there to this game? I sent them information on how to use the forums and where to find the Glen, County, and town forums, but I REALLY wish it was as easy as clicking a link for:
My Town (Whithorn)
My County (Galloway)
Scotland (HH)
RolePlays (the Glen)

. . . . . . Come to think of it, why is it NOT set up this way? It would be awesome! The current forum setup is too confusing.

{{2. level 1......Yay I leveled!!!! Make a big deal about it. Boost up their confidence. Show them what kind of field would be best for them and what you need to have. Don't just have them try to figure out thing or read things on there own and assume everything is gonna be hunky dory. That is why people lose interest.

3. Level 2.....Yay I have my own workshop!!!!!!! I got even further......hehehe

4.level 3......State or Churchway? what are the benefits to both and what are they?}}

A good Mentor and Mayor will follow the citizens are through their journey. Unfortunately most Mayors and Mentors are level 1s and 2s and don't know much about level 3 or 4.

{{Fishing map......needs to be explained better.}}
I have a tutorial I place in the Town Hall. The tutorial I created was ONLY really meant for Whithorn, but other Mayors have used it.

{{I also recommend people that are new to game like level o and level 1 getting interested in forums, and getting interested in Embassy work where they can learn firsthand how to become an Ambassador, and if they prove themselves active and loyal, to move up in the Embassy, and Stay interested in game as a result.}}
That's really awesome, but I wouldn't know where to start getting people interested. Perhaps we should have a class in here on how to sign up and how to get other people interested.

{{I would personally, not expect too much out of the newbies at first. You want to bring them into the game, by getting them into active Taverns, and making active RP's for them to take part in.}}
Aye! Just getting them active in game is a struggle in itself. Some are interested in Politics and if that is why drives them, then I suggest more people ask new persons to become Mayors and Mentors.

Taking this class should give most of you the confidence to run for office AND be successful at it.
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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:34 am

Arienvonmainz wrote:
{{Xenina, some newborns (and I speak from personal experience) make the decision not to follow any of the official advice provided by the mentor's letter because they want to work things out for themselves (being told what to do was a bit like cheating), or because the letter is a very prescriptive way of doing things (there are lots of different ways to go about levelling to 1 depending on how you want to play the game). Do you think some alternative suggestions could be included in the letter, or advice on where to find alternative guides?}}

Like I said before every Mentor is different and all letters differ also.
I know of two new people who didn't follow the "prescribed" formula and both of them were very quickly criminals. Yes, it's fun, but if you don't have the funds and/or resources to do it, taking your own path can be costly.
Trying to make a "quick-buck" in this game always leads to trouble. Some can just get out of it better.

{{Also, there a several out of date guides in the 'Hitchhikers Guide' thread.}}
There always are!

{{Could these be re-written and added to the town or county forums?}}
I do believe they can be replaced if you write a new one and send it to the censor. (I'm not sure what the time frame is on this, but I don't have time to do them all.) Instead of fishing, I'm teaching you all to fish, so I don't have to do it all. I suggest you do that same. You re-do one tutorial and have a friend do another one.

{{This would tie in with the points about getting people active on their local forum, where they could also then find RPs.}}
Yes. People don't know where to look and instructions have to be pretty specific.
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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:35 am

[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Trampoline-break-cartoon
(Study Break)

Post by Aimili:
Here is the letter I sent out:

Greetings Everyone and Thank You for Opening This Mail.

{ = Inside this letter you will find information, encouragement and fun. Let's begin. = }

Your current Town Staff consists of:
* The Mayor: Aimili (Yours Truly)
* Mentor: Goel.Suhas (A very helpful and kind lady)
* Level 0 advocate: Cat33 (Always here for questions)
* Capt of the Guard: Niven (An experienced officer)

{ = If you would like to join the Drummore Town Guard, please contact Niven or post in the proper town thread. =}

1) I inhabited the Town Hall with only 700 pounds in worth (about 250 pounds in cash). Since that day I have been doing all I can to build it (including a small tax, which you probably noticed. I now estimate our worth at 1000 pounds.)
2) Thank you SO much people of Drummore for paying your 2.50 tax per field and workshop. It was such a small amount; yes. . . but it makes a big difference to me.
3) We have received donations from myself and also from a Mr. Roganor. I want to thank him for his contributions. They are VERY appreciated! =)
{ If you wish to donate we have wood at both 15.53 and 50.00 pounds on the market, but I barely have any wood left, so please do sell it back to Town Hall or place it back on the market at 4.00. Anyone caught donating will be placed on our *Hall of Fame List*. }
4) I've have also raised the prices in the Drum slightly and I urge you to eat and drink there. I will try to be there every day about one hour after reset, but also at other times. Alexander and Niven will also try to increase their tavern time. Thanks guys!
5) I encourage you to hang out in the tavern(s). We used to be the busiest town in the County and we can be again if you'll just come stop in and say hi. We have lost a lot of our population, but we have new players coming in every day who deserve the tavern interaction. Who knows? It might even be fun.
6) I encourage you to use the Town and County forums to see what's new in RK. It's a fun and exciting time right now. We've just won a war with the Fury and it's been a very interesting month. The new County Council is about to be elected any day now.
7) NEW! Political classes are now going on in Forum2. They are interactive and updated daily! Just go to forum 2 and search for *Interactive*. You'll learn all about what the Mayor and Mentor do and how the game works. Good times.
I encourage you to contact me at ANY time. It may take me a day, but I will get back to you with any concerns you have.

At your service,
Mayor of Drummore

My office says this "You still have to wait 7 days before you can send another mail to the town's citizens"

Here is my mentor letter now:
Welcome to the beautiful coastal town of Drummore!! My name is Goel.suhas and I am the Chief Mentor of this town. If you need ANY help, just click "reply" and send me an "in-game" letter.

This letter is LONG but I suggest that you – SAVE IT - somewhere, as mail is deleted automatically after 2 weeks.

1}} EAT (follow below instructions in "food".
2}} WORK (Click on OUT OF TOWN and then WORKS). Click on the gold mine to work for today and most days.
3}} If you can't play today, go into Town and look in the church for the "Retreat" option. This will keep your character alive for up to one month.
4}} If you decide this game isn’t for you, please BUY A WOOD FOR 50.00 off the market. (This will really help the town.)

= = = YOUR TOWN: You'll want to explore your town and taverns even while reading this letter. Make sure to read the Town Hall Message. It tells you the Minimum Wage (14) and give you LOTS of tips and help. Remember don’t buy cheap items and then resell them higher. This is a prosecutable crime.

= = = LEVEL ZERO: This game is all about living day to day and working your way UP in the world. Level zero is all about having what it takes to move up. The key is to SAVE YOUR MONEY! Save your money and food and do not waste it (on clothes, expensive food or anything else) or you'll set yourself back.

= = = A DAY . . . in RK (Renaissance Kingdoms) is the 24 hour period between one reset and the next. Reset occurs each day at 2:00 GMT. (Time is posted on the church). For example, if you are in PST (-8 GMT), reset occurs from 7 – 8 pm at night.

= = = EATING: You must eat every day to survive. Look at the top of your screen. Next to your money is your “status”. If you are “fit” you only need to eat one Hunger Point (that means 1 corn). If you are “exhausted” you need to eat two Hunger Points (two corns or one bread). Do not eat any other foods for now.

= = = FOOD: To eat; click on “Me”, then “My inventory”. Click on the hand print to eat each item. Remember what I said above: if you are “fit”, you need ONLY eat one corn. (It will still say you are hungry, but ignore that.) To get more food on subsequent days you will buy it either from the market or a tavern (which are individually owned and priced). Your money is only to be used to buy food (not wine, women or fancy clothes). DO NOT BUY BEER.

= = = DON’T GET DRUNK YA SILLY!! To enter a tavern, simply click on the name of one. If you visit the taverns, do NOT buy beer at all(only richer people should ever buy beer) and do not allow anyone to buy you more than 5 drinks or you may get drunk. If you are too drunk you can’t work or eat.

= = = JOBS & REPUTATION: The best time to get jobs is early in the new day, for as they say - the early bird gets the work! You have THREE places to get work:
1. The easiest job to get is working in the mine: To get there click "OUT OF TOWN" and "WORKS". Then click on the picture of a mine. (You get 7.50 after reset and then 7.50 on Sunday.)
2. As a level 0, you have to work two days in the Church. This will give you 2 of your 5 required Reputation Points, but the pay is not great. (More info below)
3. Farm jobs are in the Town Hall: Click “Town Hall” and “Job offers”. You will see a job and the skills required. If it says “0 Intelligence Points” or “0 Strength Points” you can apply for it, even though you have no character statistics yet.

= = = LEVEL ONE: You will need 5 reputation points and 90 or more in cash to level up. You will need some money right after you level up to plant your field, so it is advisable to have an extra 25 pounds on hand. Always check the Town Hall's message or ask the Mayor what kind of field you should choose.

= = = REPUTATION POINTS are points you give and get from other people. (You get two points per week that you can give out.) As said above, you will get 2 Reputation Points from the Church. However, you also need 3 Reputation Points from other players. This is part of the game. The taverns are a great place to meet other players. There are usually people there right after reset. The best time to find people to trade Reputation Points with is on Sunday after people get paid and they get their 2 points to give out.

= = = FORUMS: Visit the forums right away. Only worry about the top forum for now. Go into the Index and look for “Galloway” (that’s our County). Then look for “Drummore”. That’s our town. There is both a County and a Town forum. Both are fun and will teach you a lot. You can meet people and play games in the forum and it is a big part of RK life.

We hope you enjoy your life here in 1457 A.D. Drummore! Please stay in touch.

[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Aimilibanner2

Last edited by Xeni on Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:37 am

Physax wrote:
{{Very interesting! I've never heard of a mayor sending out weekly messages to citizens. Very, very interesting. I like it. If we were to do it in Kirk, I think I'd recommend monthly instead of weekly messages, due to the high volume of messages that we mentors are already sending out... The Mentor's early messages are bound by the necessity of ensuring that they contain the needed information while not being too long, and also not being too confusing. I like the opportunity that the Mayor's message provides to tell people a bit more about the state of the town and opportunities in the town.

Thanks for your post, Aimili!

(btw, you should post this on the Mentors Guild forum on Forum2, mail Vibe for access!)}}

She only did it because she filed taxes. She posted the 7 days because someone asked how often you could send them.
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PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 6:39 am

[Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Fluffy-bunny
(Study break)

Physax wrote:
{{Thinks that the skill of being a mentor should probably have its own separate class.... }}

Maybe some day we will, but I really needed to make a cram class for all Mayoral candidates and they also need to know all about Mentoring, so they better listen up. LOL


What does the mayor of a town do on a daily basis?
First thing I do is check my Captain's report. (I always get one from reliable Lelouch.) This tells me how many foreigners are in town. If it's a lot I check Lavabo. If not, I just go with my 1-2 militia I'm already hiring.

One to three times per week they buy up all the wheat and corn under their prescribed buying price. They buy up the axes/wood/fish/resource daily in order to pay those people. Then 2-3 times per week they list the wheat and corn and sometimes other goods on the County Fair for purchase.

I ALWAYS get mail. Sometimes it's a question. Sometimes it's just mail . . like "I like you. Can we be friends?" I'm very short and to the point. A lot o people ask me for help and/or points (of which I usually have used them all up by Monday.) Razz

What abilities/powers does he/she have in his/her interface?
This is REALLY extensive and we'll cover all that later, so I'll come back to it.

Is there a calendar function that allows the mayor to post events and have announcements sent out to everyone in the town (similar to the function in the county council spokesperson's office)?


This interface allows you to add events to your citizens' calendar. Each person will be warned on connecting for the first time on the day of the event and during the entire week before. You can only add events every 3 days and each one costs a "Communication" State-Point. Be careful, this function isn't to be used for political reasons nor is it to be used to inform citizens of changes in the law. Please only use it to post events.

You haven't got any events scheduled for between now and the end of your term.

Event date : DROP DOWN BOX

Event title : ______________

Event text (max. 400 characters):

That's kind of what it looks like.
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PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue May 04, 2010 2:41 am

Stirling Letter:

Welcome to Stirling!
We hope you will stay and play for a while!!!

If you do, your job for the next five days is to live through them, explore the town, and make some friends.

There are many ways to approach your first weeks here. What follows is an easy start up guide, designed to make you as wealthy in friends and gold as possible.

Keep in mind this game is more than farming and being told what to do. If you want to overthrow local and county governments, raid other counties, rob travelers on the roads, fight in an amry, or just manipulate other counties markets. Just send me a message and I'll put you in touch with the right people. The criminal life is not for the feint of heart!

A suggested day-by-day itinerary for the next five days:

Day 1 (today)
-Find your inventory and eat a loaf of bread.
-You are now ready to work. Look to the left of your screen and click 'Town.' Then click the 'Job Offers' tab.You will then see jobs that are available in the town, if you see one there click on the 'See More' link. Then click apply. At this point you will have to wait about 10 minutes to find out if you got the job or not. While you're waiting this would be an excellent time to visit the taverns. If you did not get the job, just repeat these steps until you get one. If no jobs are available that you can get, you can check back throughout the day as new jobs are listed as peole post them.

-If, you can not come back and check for jobs and you can't get one. Click the 'Town' icon on your left, then in the town map click ont he church. You will see a link there where you can work in the church. Gaining you 5 pounds and 1 Trust Point.

-Find the taverns and click on the button. If anyone is in the taverns, go say hi!
-Open up the 'Forum and Rules' menu [lower left menu of the main screen], and choose Forum 1. Copy and paste this URL into the new tab
Then post your introduction. It does not have to be fancy - just say hi!

Day 2
-You do not need to eat today, even though the screen says you are very hungry. Do not worry. No harm will come to you.
-Find a job or work in the church.
-Visit the taverns and make some new friends. Ask for trust points. You will need to collect 3 of these before you can level up. You can also ask for trust points in Stirling Hall in the Abby, found in Forum 1.
-Visit the Stirling Hall forums some more and read about what is happening in your home town. Join in the fun!

Day 3
-Eat a loaf of bread.
-Find a job or work in the church.
-Explore the forums.
-Send a message back to your personal mentor. Mentors love to get mail! Arrange to meet in a tavern perhaps.

Day 4 and 5
-You do not need to eat for Day 4. Really. But do eat a loaf of bread on Day 5.
-Find a job or work in the church.
-Visit the taverns.
-Visit the forums.

Extra tips and tricks:
-There is never a reason to work Intercounty Minimum Wage.
-The Stirling Hall forum is a sub forum of Glasgow Inn.
-Visit the Stirling Library any time for more information.
-The heart of the game is in the people here, and people are found in taverns and forums.

Message me any time with questions.

And remember this game is all about fun and role playing. If at any time you need food or are confused, please don't hesitate to contact myself or the mayor.

Thanks for reading this message.
Hope to see you in the taverns!

Chief Mentor,
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PostSubject: Re: [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10   [Class Open] Introduction to Politics: Class 1/10 Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 9:34 pm

I am Serendipity and I hope you will stay and play for a while!! (If not I can take the disappointment. ALL I ASK is that you just purchase a corn off the market for £50 before you die.)

Players!! You have been born in Kirkcudbright, Scotland, a beautiful sea-side town!

If you do your job for five days you will live, level and prosper!

___________ Medieval Ads Here ____________
£ £ £ £ £ WIN A SCHOLARSHIP £ £ £ £ £
Every week the Chief Mentor offers a FREE CASH scholarship to a Level Zero for being active in town. Just hang out in the tavern and post in the forum twice to qualify. That's it!

£ £ £ £ £ MAYORS' CASH PROGRAM £ £ £ £ £
The Mayor has a SPECIAL OFFER for new players. Get 10 pounds free if you participate in our Corn Buying Program. (Scroll to the bottom of this letter for more information.)
________ End Medieval Advertisements ______

READ ME! (You can read the rest later, but remember that after 10 days this mail is automatically deleted!) O.o

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BASIC POINTERS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1) EAT
See? These are the only two things you have to do every day. The rest of this letter is important though, so read it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1) EAT:: Today eat one bread (It's in your ME > inventory). Now go to the market and buy two corns OR participate in the Mayor's Corn Program. Do it. It's a good deal.
- - Tomorrow eat one corn only.
- - Day 3 eat the other bread you currently own. (Continue this pattern and you'll stay healthy)

ABOUT FOOD:: Buy corn at the market. (You will have it within 10 minutes) If you're short on time you can eat in the taverns. Alternating 1 corn, 2 corn is best. You could eat even less, but if you die you won't get your wages for that day of work. Don't waste your money on beer or clothes YET. (We'll get you there. Don't worry.)

2) WORK:: Every day you can choose only one Activity/Job. Choices:
- - A. Work at the Church (Click Town, Church) You have to work the church TWICE to level. You'll earn £5 and one Church Reputation Point.
- - B. Work in the Mines (Out of Town , Works) You will earn £15.50 (half at reset, half on Sunday).
- - C. Jobs from the Town Hall (Town, Town Hall, Job Offers) If a job requires no strength or intelligence, it will say *Skills required: none*. Our minimum wage is £14, so do not work for less.
- - D. You can FISH:

3) REPUTATION:: You need 5 reputation points to level up. Two must come from working the church.

4) TAVERN & DRINKING:: Click Town, then Tavern to find some people. You'll have a blast in the tavern, so I strongly suggest you try it, even if you aren't social by nature. You can also ask for trust in the forum. (See below).

5) SHOPPING:: Once clicked you can not cancel a purchase. It will take about 10 minutes for the transaction to be complete so don't be worried if your food doesn't appear right away. Also you may not get the item if someone with more charisma also bids for it. If so you will get refunded.

6) FORUMS:: Click Forum and Rules, Choose the first option, Find the word *Galloway*. Inside Galloway is our town: Kirkcudbright.

I also suggest reading the Scottish forum called *Highland Halls* and we have some forums just for roleplaying: *Weald* and *The Glen*

==== * * Mayors Special Offer * * ======
We REALLY want to have an active town and that means helping you!! Just buy 10 corn from the market at £4.99 (Only £4.99). Eat them. (Remember 1 corn, 2 corn, etc) When you have £60 and 5 Rep Points, mail the Mayor. You will get your investment back, plus 10 pounds and should be able to level the same day.

A Guide on the Corn Program is posted: Click *forum and rules*.
Forum, This program helps you and it helps the town. The extra money from New Players who die and never collect goes into town coffers. If you have any questions about this program, mail me.

If you have any questions . . . please feel free to ask. That's what I am here for.
Good luck in your endeavors and have fun!
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