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 Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr

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Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Empty
PostSubject: Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr   Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 9:56 pm

Closed RP. Just ask Xenina for permission to post.

[rp]Garlock's Fall[/rp]

Xenina spread her eyes onto the horizon as the army lined up for it's daily duty to protect the castle walls. She found Roderick a young, albeit agreeable commander. "Young, so very young. . . . " she muttered to herself silently as the horse's clop on a solid pad of mud made some noise. "Well, if this is who JO trusts you with then you shall be in good hands. Roderick has seen a few wars in his time."

"That's true." she told herself. "You'll be fine. . . . What's the worst that could happen?"

"You could die."

"Well yeah, but I could do that crossing a creek and you've already decided this is the step you want to take."

"True. True. I do want to capture myself some English." She giggled to herself remembering her silent vow to the English.

As the group reached their rally point she dismounted Cherish. She pulled out the piece of paper that she had written on a week ago:

[rp]Border Crossing Permit Application

Your Name:
Xenina Ramsay, Champion of Justice and Campbell Warrior
If you are a Group Leader, the names of everyone in your group:
Hell no! I'm a follower. When JO points his sword and says "charge", that's the direction I ride in.

Purpose of your visit:
I'd like to capture some innocent English men and bend them to my will. Naturally they'll fully accept it, so I don't see any morale issues with it.

Arrival Date:
If you have received this letter before I have captured you and bent you to my will, let me prepare you by saying: "Drop and give me 20! I like sexy arms."

Anticipated Departure Date:
That will be when I'm done with you. My apologies in advance, but I can't keep you my pet.

She had wanted to send it a week ago, but feared the English would use her name to gather intel. Still, it entertained her when she read it again and she took in a deep breath.

Soon she began to hear the noise of an army marching. She stayed quiet and still. Well, they didn't have to go far. The KoP army was right in front of them.

Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Xeninabattlefield1
She stood steadfast and unsheathed her sword. She looked at the men in her group and wanted to let them know they were in good company to give them courage in battle. She spoke loudly when addressing her commander:

"Roderick, I give my sword for thee, FOR CAMPBELL, FOR SCOTLAND!! Long live our home land!!"

Aye!! The men gave a cheer and she awaited the order to charge. She got back on her horse and waited. Once Julius gave the order she unsheathed her sword and charged, but just as the Campbell army hit the battlefield another army appeared.

"No!" Her jaw dropped: " TWO ARMIES?! HOLY JAH!" There was a moment of silence as everyone realized the numbers they faced. You could see the battalions begin to group up into their positions.

She looked for JO and found his face among the mounted. He looked really surprised. Nice to know he didn't send us to our deaths on purpose. she chuckled to herself.

Perhaps she could down some men before the second army could fully engage them. She would try.

Gontana's Estimated Lines:

"This may be the beginning of the end for us . . . but fear not. I've been in battle before and time heals all wounds. This is the best time in our lives. Never before has your life, your experiences culminated into one point in time. Never again will you feel SO alive as when you're in battle.

Relish it. Cherish it! Keep on living! Your bloodlust will keep you from feeling the pain, so think not of pain, but of victory.

Don't be afraid to chop them to pieces. They chose to fight and so they choose to die. Their death means your life, so follow my orders and remember your training.

To arms!!"

Roy's Lines:

Roy looked out upon the landscape. It was too calm, too beautiful.
Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Horsesi

Last edited by Seri on Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:47 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr   Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 11:52 pm


I'm basically going to play it like I didn't even know you were here. You weren't supposed to be. At some point I see you fighting and you're protecting Arien. (I'm also unaware that she's pregnant. No one has told me that thus far.)

Anyway, so you're over there to my left, but you're kicking ass and I'm all proud of you. Hee hee. I'm not sure if you are, but I'm on a horse. That's why I can finally see you over the crowd, even though you aren't very far away.

I back up my horse and ride over behind our men to find you. I don't even know if you see me yet. I arrive just in time to see you fighting with Aragorn. As you clash swords, you are distracted by another man running at Arien and you go to block his shot. While doing that Aragorn hits you in the leg, cutting it badly. Maybe he stabs you with a dagger too. IDK. That's up to you.

Aragorn.Wylde was at least one guy who killed you.

I get to you just as you are falling and grabbing your leg. I rip off part of my pants and wrap them around your wound. Arien and I help drag you toward the med tents and I defend you both while retreating back. Drew Christie sees us and comes to aid me in doing so and we get you to the tent. (In the tent is Bethan. She's agreed to continue playin that part.)

Okay, so I get you to the tent and we have a little conversation while I'm thinking you will probably die. I hear JO rallying the troops to gather up tighter and I decide I have to help, so I run back into the fight and have a little internal dialog about Roy, etc.

When I run out to fight again I find this Ormuzd guy and kill him, but as I'm fighting my way toward Aragorn Paddy suddenly approaches me from the side. He grabs my sword, then looks surprised to see that it's me. "Xenina!??"

I'm fighting with him and hoping that I'll have a chance, but I pretty much know I'm dead meat at this point. As he's stabbing me in the left side under my ribs, he says " I am sorry." as I scream out "Nnnooooooo!"

I run backwards from him, but I take his dagger with me as he is too startled to pull it out again. Then I black out, but I hear what sounds like Arien and then I hear Drew and a clashing of swords.

Basic outline. You like it?
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PostSubject: Re: Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr   Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Icon_minitimeTue Dec 08, 2009 12:34 am

Jo just posted this. He told me in the tavern that we were supposed to meet the KoP and Paddy should not have been there.

Posted: 07 Dec 2009 12:34 Post subject:
*When Julius gave the shout to charge, the Knights of the Phoenix were in plain veiw. The few cavalry in the army would have a lot of burden against the Knights on the steeds of England. Chargers and smaller ponies up against mere hobalars from Scotland. The warcry of the Scots sounded as they charged forward, all of the faces going by as if frozen in time in front of Julius. He had given the charge for many of Scotland's heroes, and they ran in, out numbered like champions. Julius watches as a young Scottish man falls first, throwing his shield to Julius before falling to his knees.. another man, cripples an Englishmen with a blunt blow to the helm, but soon after, was taken over by one of the mounted nobles from England. Julius rode forward, looking for familiar faces, the battle raging in his presence, but calm remaining in his blood. Julius parries a few blows, while continuing to charge forward.. As soon as the English seemed to be kept on their toes.. a surprise arises from the horizon.. A new, fresh unit from Carlisle marching to secure and save the Knights from their pending demise..*

Blasted Sassenachs! You betray a written agreement for battle, on your honor!? You gutless wretches!

*After parrying another blow, Julius jumps off of his horse, and almost immediately sees Alistair fall in front of him.. Picking his friend and clansmen up, and mounting him on the horse, Julius turns and sees the overrunning forces throw his daughter to the ground.. he pats the horse off, letting it trot away from the battle towards Dumfries. Running immediately as the soldier who took his daughter down is pushed back by a Highlander in full garment.. the blue and green tartan of the Campbells begins to merge with red as the blood begins to take hold of the color scheme of the landscape.. silver of swords fallen and English mail shining the ground like gems amongst a disaster. He puts his daughter over his shoulder, and spotting a few other Campbells and soldiers doing the same, he manages to gather two soldiers with one arm.. pulling them by their armor along the ground as he defends with his sword arm from any oncoming soldiers.. On the retreat, they managed to gather the wounded and the heavily injured back to Dumfries before nightfall.. the blood and dirt now crusted along Julius's entire frame.. He knew he had to say something.. but what.. what do you say to those who gave it their all, and were pushed back.. what do you say to those you've failed.. Julius would find it, but not at this moment.. He just fell to his knees.. fists to the ground.. as a tear fell from his face and falls next to his fist..*
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PostSubject: [CPR] Whirlwind Campbell   Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2009 5:32 am

Zanlarrr rests at home, recovering from the injuries he received during in battle...

His thoughts swirl back to the scene of bloodshed and glory that day ...

Zanlarrr recalls riding along his kin into battle to face the English. His heart pounds, his ears roar with the sounds of battle, his hands sweat with excitement and trepidation. Zan concentrates on staying beside his comrades. Soon, too soon, the lines rush together and he finds himself caught up in the swirling maelstrom of warriors.

Soon, Zan finds himself facing two Englishmen. Heart pounding, Zan raises his shield to block the strike of the first while trying to parry the other with his sword. Shock turns to dismay as the sword in his hand shatters, and as the Englishman's sword follows it's path, Zan feels the bite of the blade into his shoulder.

Reeling, Zan tries to protect himself further from the other English soldier, raising his shield, only to see his shield splinter.

As the shield on his arm fell apart, Zan could only watch helpless as the tip of the sword that had shattered his shield continued on it's path... time slowed horribly... Zan's vision crystalized and he watched the glinting metal fall... fall... fall... and bury itself into his chest.

Gasping for breath, feeling blood spurting from both his wounds, Zan's knees gave out beneath him...

Clutching at his wounds, Zan's vision swam... he stared up at the sky, feeling himself grow colder, his heart beat slower...

'The sky is so blue... why did I never look at it before... and the sun shining through the clouds... Ah Jah, it hurts so!'

Closing his eyes against the pain, Zan's memory flashes through images... of his mother, of the fields at first light, of the ocean at sunset... 'If only there had been more time...'

Darkness envelopes Zanlarrr.

Closing his eyes as the waves of memory crash over him, his next recollections rise to the surface...

A hazz of pain; a swirl of faces; shadows dancing across the canvas roof; his shield splintering on his arm; a damp cloth lain against his forehead; flashes of blades; sunlight on his face; his sword melting in his hand; the smell of blood; the stench of death... his own...

Images and consciousness fade in and out from one another, blending together, tearing apart again like spikes of pain lancing through his chest, being matching at each turn by a throbbing in his shoulder.

Faces come sharply to mind between his bouts of darkness... Bethan... Julius... Physax... Alistair... Fretlen... Xenina... friends, family, kin...

No coherent thought fixes itself to Zanlarrr, as images, thoughts, feelings and darkness swirl...

Slowly, like watching a sun climb from beyond the horizon to become morning, Zan's ears become aware... sounds of groans, of tent flaps being raised and lowered, coughing, water dripping.... next to come is the bitter taste of copper, a cool clothing on his forehead, a deep throbbing in his chest... and last to come to his befuddled consciousness was sight... seeing his lashes unbind themselves from one another, then seeing a hazy brown that slowly resolves into a canvas roof...

Suddenly gripped by a deep need to cough, Zan fights the racking convulsions that grip his chest, but he has no strength to fight. The coughs come tearing up out of his chest, up his throat and past his parched mouth to sound horsely in the tent. After a few moments that feel like eternity, the coughing subsides... As the pain eases, Zan finds a mixture of blood, bile and phlegm in his mouth. Weakly, he turns his head and tries to expel the putrid taste.

Breathing shallowly so as not the bring on the coughing again, Zan's first thought is...

"Why am I still alive?," he whispers, not realizing that he spoke at all.

Zan opens his eyes, and swallows reflexively against the memory of the taste...

Bethan's face next comes to mind...

As she stood and stretched out her shoulder, she caught movement from Zanlarrr's doss. Moving over to him quickly, she held down his good shoulder with one hand and the other on his chest to hold the stitched in place while he proceeded to cough the bile in his lungs up. I need water here. Put her hand on his forehead as the coughing subsided.good no fever yet. Taking a rag out of her apron pocket, Beth wipes the spittle from the corner of his mouth startled to hear him speak.She takes the water from the woman and leans close into him. Zan its Beth, your alive because gods chose to let you live this day. You have a chest wound and your shoulder has been damaged. I have nothing to give you for pain Zan, you have lost too much blood to risk the willowbark just yet. I have water if you want it.

Zan blinks and clears his eyes. Seeing Bethan, and realizing that he is neither dreaming nor hearing things, he tries to smile at her.

"My thanks, cuz...," he suppresses another cough before continuing. "I could... use a small... mouthfull of water... if nothing else than..." more shallow breathing, "to rinse the coppery taste away." His voice is barely above a whisper.

Feeling a rise in pain at his prolonged whispering, Zan closes his eyes and tries to ride out the waves of pain emanating from his chest.

As things subside, he opens his grey-green eyes, looking at Bethan.


Zan's tongue seems to stick to the roof of his parched mouth.

"How bad...?"

Now he finds himself resting at home... his thoughts turning to his comrade-in-arms that also were hurt and killed... Alistair... Gotana... Physax... Xenina...

More and more, the faces of his friends swirl before his minds' eye... and more and more he finds his thoughts turning towards Xenina...

'I wish I knew how she is doing...'

Last edited by zanlarrr on Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr   Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2009 5:47 am

Xenina stood up off the cot, but her legs did not hold her. Soon she was tumbling to the ground, her body failing as she asked it to stand upright. She had a splitting headache and blood dripped right in front of her eyes. Her hands caught the ground before her head could hit it, but the rest of her body piled into a heap. Noooo.

You're too weak yet Miz. Ye can't take two steps from ye cot. Ye got hit hard on da noggin. Desiree's voice was soothing and articulate. It was nice to hear a firm voice when Xenina's mind was a mere mix of memories, of pain and a drowsy, confused feeling. She could not keep her head upright. It kept falling forward. I mus' know how dey are. Julius an' Zanlarr. How? Tell me.

Who is a-live?
Her head waivered as a group got her back up and into the bed. I'm fine. Fine. I be fine. Tell me.

Desiree took a breath before explaining, Not many died Miz. Is mostly inj'ry. Julius was hurt tha worst. He got tha worst I thin. The oders is okay. Xenina's mind whirled and she concentrated on breathing. Where is Roy? Is he here? Did he fight? I know I saw him. He didn't even tell me he was coming. I didn't know he cared for me anymore. Where is Zanlarr? She thought these things, but she did not ask out loud. Perhaps because she was timid or perhaps because she was too upset to voice anything at the moment.

Last edited by Seri on Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:33 am; edited 2 times in total
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Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr   Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2009 5:49 am

Space filler

As Zan tries to rest and relax, he find that his memories continue to wash over him, bringing flashes from the battle.

He sees again Julius striding into battle; Alistair striding near him; Xenina nearby amongst all the clan warriors; the black banner waving...

Again the image of the sword flashes before his eyes, seeing his sword shatter... feeling the bite of the blade again...

Zan closes his eyes and his memories swirl... forward, back... with no pattern or reason to it...

Again his thoughts flit back to the battle as he strode forward... to the clash of weapons... see friends being hit... falling... Alistair... Gotana... Xenina

Zan's memory swirls and focus on Xenina... he remembers seeing Xenina exchange blows with the English... and then sees her lying on the field of battle... then being dragged from the field...


Zan finds his heart beating faster...

(it's a start, depending on your post)

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Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr   Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2009 9:20 am

Xenina laid there for what seemed like days, though it was more likely just been a few hours. She had two people bring her water and food to nibble on. She was feeling better after her nap, but she still could not get up. She wouldn't be able to get out of her cot maybe for the entire day. Her equilibrium was improving. She sat up to try and train her brain again. She would tell it which way was up. She saw Bethan and yelled to her, I'llll be fine Befan! I would like ta see . . .  my men.

Her head fell back as she was now exhausted. Bethan replied, What do you mean; your men? You mean all the men? Xenina giggled to herself while Bethan walked over. What are you mumblin' about? Yer men? You think all these men here are yours?

Nae. I dun wan all da men, just the few I love. Ye know who they be. Zanlarr an Roy an Julius. How they doin? Tell me please. Bethan's face looked confused. Surely she thought Xenina was in love with all three of them. Not like dat Befan.

Ye know I only love Roy, well I thin. Well, I definitely dun love Julius. He is the crazy man who wanted ta 'tack Englan'. Why??  I dun know, but I always supported 'em, even when the man din make no sense to me. Tis the blind leadin' the blind I tell ye!
She laughed and a bit of bile caught in her throat. She spit it out and took a drink of water.
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PostSubject: Re: Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr   Campbell KOP Skirmish, 2009 Roy, Xenina & Zanlarr Icon_minitime

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