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 [CPR] A Knight's Tale

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[CPR] A Knight's Tale Empty
PostSubject: [CPR] A Knight's Tale   [CPR] A Knight's Tale Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 12:14 am

Rising early with the sun was odd, but Xenina just couldn't get back to sleep. She sat in bed thinking about how she never got up early. She often stayed up late in the tavern and had to sleep in because of it . . . . but she was way too excited to sleep. Today she was leaving town for the first time in eight months! The closest she got was the National Assembly Chamber, but she didn't even travel there anymore.

I can't believe I can finally go out, she told herself.

She pulled off her nightgown and stood in the beam of sunlight entering her bedroom. The clean morning air was crisp and cool and for the first time in years she fully enjoyed it. The morning light lit up her field and garden.

She put on her travel clothes and a small traveling bag that he horse would carry. She would stop by the Town Hall on her way out of town. Surely Brolo would appreciate an encouraging word.

Last edited by Xeni on Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[CPR] A Knight's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: [CPR] A Knight's Tale   [CPR] A Knight's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 9:46 am

Brolo heard the familiar hoofbeats of Cherish going by the window. I could swear that's Xenina's horse. . . but I thought she left.

A few minutes later he looks up from his latest worksheet as she walks in.
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[CPR] A Knight's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: [CPR] A Knight's Tale   [CPR] A Knight's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 7:31 pm

Xenina trotted into the office with a smile. She was thrilled to have found a Mayor worthy of Whithorn.

"Greetings Brolo. I've brought you some cookies as a gift."

Xenina really wanted to do an evil laugh, but she resisted. "Finally! Oh, I've had been waiting so long Brolo. I really thank you for taking the town on and proving to me that you had the skill and loyalty for it. I certainly hope the people will give you as much help as they did for me. They are wonderful people and I love my town, but it is time for me to move around and travel this country."

Xenina thought back on the last year that she'd been Mayor. She hasn't meant it to be so long. After six months, she'd championed a class to teach the basics of Mayorship specifically so that the County would have more citizens capable of becoming a Mayor with no other political experience.

It was a forward step for the County and she was glad to join in Julius' endeavor. Anyway, she was just glad the class was available for those who wanted to take it.

After a long conversation and some reviewing of her previous classes she'd come to the conclusion that Brolo would work out just fine. He seemed to posses the skills she required of a replacement. She was relieved to see it. He was strong and confident. She enjoyed his humor and ability to apply common sense to situations. He also had a way with people. Charm will take you far, she thought to herself.

"Anyway, I have other duties and loyalties that I can now take care of. If you need anything at all, please send me a letter and I will reply promptly. You'll find a great amount of information in the Mayor's and Mentor's public records. "

Last edited by Xeni on Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:32 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[CPR] A Knight's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: [CPR] A Knight's Tale   [CPR] A Knight's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 7:48 pm

Brolo wrote:
Brolo chuckled before speaking: "Hey stranger. I thought you would be out of town by now but I'm glad you stopped in. I didn't get to catch you in the taverns as much as i would have liked before. "

"The people in town have been great, very supportive and willing to help, even with my illness of late they have been very understanding. . . . Umm . . . did you say cookies?"

Last edited by Seri on Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:13 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : BROLO'S PART)
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[CPR] A Knight's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: [CPR] A Knight's Tale   [CPR] A Knight's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 8:29 pm

"I glad to hear you haven't had any issues. Whithorn has some great people in it. That's for sure.

Well, like I said if you need anything I'm only a letter away."

She handed Brolo the cookies. She hoped he liked them. It was the least she could do to repay him for the gift he was giving her. Now she could finally fulfill her promise to Julius. After more than a year of courting her, he had finally convinced her to join the Campbell clan and she was even happier than she thought she would be.

Although she had been loyal to JO's leadership for a long time she hadn't revealed it publicly for fear that she would be found too partial in her political decisions. No more. She didn't care who thought what anymore. Campbell was by far the most outgoing group of people with the best and most experienced leader in Scotland. She was thrilled and honored to be adopted into this magnificent clan.

She hoped that joining the clan made it more noteworthy, not less. She wanted to be an asset to the group.
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[CPR] A Knight's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: [CPR] A Knight's Tale   [CPR] A Knight's Tale Icon_minitime

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