Xenina trotted into the office with a smile. She was thrilled to have found a Mayor worthy of Whithorn.
"Greetings Brolo. I've brought you some cookies as a gift."
Xenina really wanted to do an evil laugh, but she resisted. "Finally! Oh, I've had been waiting so long Brolo. I really thank you for taking the town on and proving to me that you had the skill and loyalty for it. I certainly hope the people will give you as much help as they did for me. They are wonderful people and I love my town, but it is time for me to move around and travel this country."
Xenina thought back on the last year that she'd been Mayor. She hasn't meant it to be so long. After six months, she'd championed a class to teach the basics of Mayorship specifically so that the County would have more citizens capable of becoming a Mayor with no other political experience.
It was a forward step for the County and she was glad to join in Julius' endeavor. Anyway, she was just glad the class was available for those who wanted to take it.
After a long conversation and some reviewing of her previous classes she'd come to the conclusion that Brolo would work out just fine. He seemed to posses the skills she required of a replacement. She was relieved to see it. He was strong and confident. She enjoyed his humor and ability to apply common sense to situations. He also had a way with people. Charm will take you far, she thought to herself.
"Anyway, I have other duties and loyalties that I can now take care of. If you need anything at all, please send me a letter and I will reply promptly. You'll find a great amount of information in the Mayor's and Mentor's public records. "