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 Cumberland Treaty

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PostSubject: Cumberland Treaty   Cumberland Treaty Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 2:02 am

Beemo wants to work on a treaty:

From : B5cmdrmo
Date : 2009-08-28 03:04:19

Greetings Your Grace, Lady Xenina Ramsey,

I would like to see our two counties join in friendship beyond our current judicial treaty. Our close proximity allow for easy trades that would help both our counties. The border closure, in my opinion has gone on long enough. My goal this term is to open the border between our two counties and allow free passage to all.

Alas, I have factions here who would see an enemy in every Scot and it is my hope that a non-aggression treaty between our two counties would silence their war mongering and call for blood. I do not speak for England, just the County of Cumberland but I believe a non-aggression treaty would be to the benefit of both of us. For Cumberland it means a small force to protect our capital saving the county money and allowing those guarding the border an opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest. For Galloway, I would hope it would ease tensions and help foster a sense of camaraderie.

If this option meets with your approval I would like for us to continue talks on the wording of a treaty of friendship and/or non-aggression.

Yours in friendship,
Beemo Wylde
Duchess of Cumberland
Cumberland Treaty E0lk0k

Alanna, do you want to help me with this? I was thinking of taking one of our other treaties and copying the main sections.

Also, I want to work on it here. It's public, but everyone has access:
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PostSubject: Re: Cumberland Treaty   Cumberland Treaty Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 10:26 pm


I am hopeful we can work something out that will benefit all of us.

Beemo Wylde
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PostSubject: Re: Cumberland Treaty   Cumberland Treaty Icon_minitimeSun Sep 06, 2009 12:02 am

Okay, so I'm told that I can't submit an official County to County treaty and it's up to the National Assembly . . . yadda yadda.

I think that's ridiculous and I'd like to create a Peace Pact. This might not be enforceable in Scotland, but it will keep relations good between Galloway and Cumberland and isn't that what we're after?

Tell me what you like about this wording:

Cumberland & Galloway Peace Pact of 1457

We, the undersigned wish peace between our two Counties. With a border between us we face many challenges. We should not have to fear each other and so this pact of peace is created to give peace of mind to both County Councils, irregardless of our Countries' agenda.

* We, the undersigned Counts of Cumberland and Galloway, with the view of bettering the conditions of our county and people, do agree this day to strive for peace between our two Counties whenever possible.

* We also give to the respective County all respect and benefit of the doubt that might apply to difficult situations.

* This Pact of Peace can only be overwritten by another and can never be canceled without a mutual agreement.

* We bind ourselves to create a positive environment along the border and cooperate whenever possible.

* We, the undersigned witnesses, do hereby solemnly declare these things to be true.

Xenina Ramsay
Duchess of Galloway
September 5th, 1456


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PostSubject: Re: Cumberland Treaty   Cumberland Treaty Icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2009 1:03 am

This works for me. The vagueness allows each council to determine how to go about cooperating and making a positive environment.

It's a start and since we are both not authorized to do much more I hope it is enough for future councils.

[rp]Cumberland & Galloway Peace Pact of 1457

We, the undersigned wish peace between our two Counties. With a border between us we face many challenges. We should not have to fear each other and so this pact of peace is created to give peace of mind to both County Councils, irregardless of our Countries' agenda.

* We, the undersigned Counts of Cumberland and Galloway, with the view of bettering the conditions of our county and people, do agree this day to strive for peace between our two Counties whenever possible.

* We also give to the respective County all respect and benefit of the doubt that might apply to difficult situations.

* This Pact of Peace can only be overwritten by another and can never be canceled without a mutual agreement.

* We bind ourselves to create a positive environment along the border and cooperate whenever possible.

* We, the undersigned witnesses, do hereby solemnly declare these things to be true.

Xenina Ramsay
Duchess of Galloway
September 5th, 1456

Cumberland Treaty Galloway-sealgreen1

Beemo Wylde
Duchess of Cumberland
September 5th, 1456

Cumberland Treaty E0lk0k[/rp]
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