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 RSA dissolution

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RSA dissolution Empty
PostSubject: RSA dissolution   RSA dissolution Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 12:05 am

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PostSubject: Re: RSA dissolution   RSA dissolution Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 1:04 am

Xenina sits silently still going through her papers. She tears one in half and tapes it on top of another and organizes the papers in order. Then she stands to address the room:

"I have kept myself from speaking at this gathering thus far because I knew I would be seen as biased and I did not wish to appear so. I do not meddle in Roy's affairs and he does not meddle in mine. I am not in the RSA and so I did not have information from the RSA forums to educate me and so I have heard from many people in all areas and read the laws and charters.

I come to the following conclusions:

1) I am not in the military, but I have always thought that it commanded respect. The RSA High Command has shown class in these trying times. Despite all the crap being thrown at them, and in particular at the Field Marshal, I applaud their ability to stay focused and not drawn into off-topic arguments.

2) I support the Field Marshall's assessment of the current situation and I do not believe the RSA needs to be dissolved. It can be improved and I believe that is being done now.

3) The Steward's latest response to the Field Marshall's actions only show his desire to control the military of Scotland; RSA soldiers were used to fight a battle that the Steward incited against Clan Whitesnow. The RSA charter was written specifically to keep the Steward from using the RSA for his own personal army.

4) The fact that the Field Marshall released any soldiers to the Steward's command shows his willingness to work WITH the government despite vastly differing views.

5) Public opinion should not shape our actions in this matter. Facts, laws, charters, proper procedures are the way we should go.

Again in summary, I support the Field Marshall's assessment of the current situation and I do not believe the RSA needs to be dissolved. It can be improved and I believe that is being done now.
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