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 * * * HOW TO MOVE * * *

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Posts : 178
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 49
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PostSubject: * * * HOW TO MOVE * * *   * * * HOW TO MOVE * * * Icon_minitimeMon Feb 14, 2011 9:34 pm

TITLE: Do not work yet!! You are moving today!

1) You must move to Ayr today (Within 48 hours) if you don't already live there
2) Click on OUT OF TOWN
3) Click on Information on the Town: AYR
4) Make sure it says Ayr and that you want to go to Girvan, Scotland
5) Scroll down and click on the MOVE button

1) You must move to Muirkirk today (Within 48 hours) if you don't already live there
2) Click on OUT OF TOWN
3) Click on Information on the Town: MUIRKIRK
5) Make sure it says Muirkirk and that you want to move to Sussex, England
5) Scroll down and click on the MOVE button

1) You must move to Largs today (Within 48 hours) if you don't already live there
2) Click on OUT OF TOWN
3) Click on Information on the Town: LARGS
4) Make sure that it says Largs and that you want to move to An Mumhaim, Ireland with us active council members
5) Scroll down and click on the MOVE button


I am sorry. Admin only gave us 3 option to relocate.

Read the full FAQ and post all questions here:

Alternate mails for those already in the right town.
Greeting Muirkirk citizen,

You have requested to move to Sussex. Do nothing. Your home will be relocated to Hastings, Sussex. Once you are relocated you will have 3 days from that time to move within your new county.You will do this using the Out of Town > Information on the Kingdoms function. Simply choose the town you want and scroll to the bottom to find a move button. Keep these instructions for later.

If you have questions please mail Serendipity.

Greeting Ayr citizen,

You have requested to move to Girvan. Do nothing. Your town will be relocated to Girvan. Once you are relocated you will have 3 days from that time to move within your new county. You will do this using the Out of Town > Information on the Kingdoms function. Simply choose the town you want and scroll to the bottom to find a move button. Keep these instructions for later.

If you have questions please mail Serendipity.

Greeting Largs citizen,

You have requested to move to Ireland. Do nothing. Your town will be relocated to Corcaigh, Ireland. Once you are relocated you will have 3 days from that time to move within your new county. You will do this using the Out of Town > Information on the Kingdoms function. Simply choose the town you want and scroll to the bottom to find a move button. Keep these instructions for later.

If you have questions please mail Serendipity.

Teleport occurs in 3 days!!

* * * HOW TO MOVE * * * Howtomove1

Q & A:
Q. Can people from Girvan move?
A. No. We can not include it now in any way since it was annexed. "Sorry it is too late for Girvan" <-- Direct quote from admin.

Q. Why is Ayr going to Girvan?
A. Because of the port.

Q. Why will Muirkirk go to Sussex?
A. Because more traveling Largs people were wanting to go to Ireland and a few in Muirkirk wanted England. It just worked out better that way for those traveling.

(I was NOT ready for JDW to turn the colony mover thing on. I'm so sorry he did it without asking me. I will post all questions and answer them here.)

JDW wrote:
1) Players will receive an ingame message 3 days before the teleport. =)

The planning can't be changed. Tomorrow, players will get an ingame message and in 4 days, the change will occur.

2) Sorry but I can't extend this period. It's the same for all players => 3 days.


Last edited by Seri on Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: * * * HOW TO MOVE * * *   * * * HOW TO MOVE * * * Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 8:50 pm

I'm having trouble moving. I try moving to Ayr and it says people of my profession can't do that. I'm a whiskey distiller.
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Posts : 178
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 49
Location : California

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PostSubject: Re: * * * HOW TO MOVE * * *   * * * HOW TO MOVE * * * Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 10:23 pm

Mailed Admin for you
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PostSubject: Re: * * * HOW TO MOVE * * *   * * * HOW TO MOVE * * * Icon_minitime

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